Derek Prince - Are You Living A Life Of Holiness?

Jesus said: 'blessed are the pure in heart.' We might ask ourselves today: are we keeping our hearts pure? Are we taking these words of our Lord seriously?

In this sermon Bible teacher Derek Prince emphasizes the importance of a clean heart. This is (among other Scriptures) drawn from 2 Peter 3:11-12, where the apostle explains what kind of persons we ought to be, by stating three practical elements. The first one is: holy conduct and godliness. Derek Prince challenges us to question ourselves whether we're keeping ourselves from unclean things like filthy language, unclean movies and occult influences (like horoscopes).

By reading 2 Corinthians 6:17-7:1 Derek Prince underscores Paul's statement to 'do not touch what is unclean.' It tells us not to get exposed to things that will defile us. We are responsible to do this ourselves. This is not something God will do for us. This is something He tells us to do for ourselves.

Today, almost thirty years after this sermon, we might ask ourselves: How is our mental attitude? In this age of so many easily accessible videos, series and movies: what are the things we looking at? Are the Netflix series we watch pleasing to God? And who do we associate with? Are the friends we hang out with defiling our hearts with filthy language? Are we letting ourselves be influenced by occult sources?
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