What does every worshiper need to remember as we come to the house of God to worship? True worshipers who worship in spirit and truth need to be very cognizant of these truths that Solomon gives us in Ecclesiastes 5. Discover these three truths in this powerful message from Pastor Jeff Schreve.
Jeff Schreve - God Alone
10-01-2025, 14:00, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - Are You Insulting God?
20-05-2022, 00:00, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - When God Shakes the House
11-01-2025, 11:00, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - Day Six
10-01-2025, 11:00, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - The Truth About Jesus of Nazareth
11-01-2025, 06:30, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - The Search for Satisfaction
11-01-2025, 05:00, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - Is True Happiness Really Possible?
11-02-2022, 01:40, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - To Tell the Truth
11-01-2025, 09:30, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - Do You Know the Truth?
20-05-2022, 00:00, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - A Whole New You
11-02-2022, 00:30, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - The Truth About The Troubles and Tragedies of Life
11-01-2025, 08:30, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - Introducing the One True God
11-02-2022, 01:40, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - The Spirit's Job Description
2-11-2022, 16:00, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - The Lord of Peace
11-02-2022, 02:53, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - What Exactly Did Mary Know?
11-02-2022, 03:14, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - Growing Strong
11-02-2022, 01:20, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - Are You Walking in the Truth?
20-05-2022, 00:00, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - I Do, but Now I Don't
20-05-2022, 00:00, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - Life in the Lord's Army
11-02-2022, 01:56, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - Why Am I Here?
11-02-2022, 03:14, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - Between the Dead and the Living
10-01-2025, 10:30, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - When God Became Man
11-02-2022, 03:14, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - When the Work Doesn't Seem to be Working