Commandment number nine says, "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor." Our world is completely overrun with lies and we are bombarded with them daily. Do you have trouble with lying?
In this message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, you'll discover how truth is foundational in your walk with God, as you live a life that points others to Him and to the truth of His Word.
Jeff Schreve - Do You Know the Truth?
20-05-2022, 00:00, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - Growing Strong
11-02-2022, 01:20, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - Are You Holding Firmly to the Truth?
20-05-2022, 00:00, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - Are You Walking in the Truth?
20-05-2022, 00:00, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - Victory or Defeat?
11-02-2022, 03:14, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - When You Believe the Lie
11-01-2025, 12:00, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - The Truth About the Bible
11-01-2025, 07:30, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - The Truth About the Last Days
11-01-2025, 08:00, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - What's Yours is Mine
11-01-2025, 10:00, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - Day Six
10-01-2025, 11:00, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - Hallowed Be Thy Name
10-01-2025, 16:00, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - The Truth About Jesus of Nazareth
11-01-2025, 06:30, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - The Truth About The Troubles and Tragedies of Life
11-01-2025, 08:30, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - The ABCs of Life
11-02-2022, 02:52, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - The Truth About Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage