Jeff Schreve - When You Believe the Lie

The devil deceived Eve and got her to believe the lie that God is not good and the only way to live life to the fullest is to disobey God. Anytime we sin, we believe this sin will bring satisfaction and meet our needs. What are the ramifications of believing the devil's lies over God's truth?

Join Pastor Jeff Schreve as he shares three consequences when we believe the devil's lies.
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Jeff Schreve - Liar, Liar
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Jeff Schreve - To Tell the Truth
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Jeff Schreve - Spies, Lies, and Grasshoppers
Jeff Schreve - Spies, Lies, and Grasshoppers
10-01-2025, 21:30, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - The Joy of Believing
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11-02-2022, 02:53, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - The Armor of a Good Soldier
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Jeff Schreve - The Search for Satisfaction
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11-01-2025, 05:00, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - Are You Letting the Grinch Steal Your Christmas
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10-01-2025, 09:00, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - Are You Walking in the Truth?
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20-05-2022, 00:00, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - Day Six
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10-01-2025, 11:00, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - The World's Most Believed Lie
Jeff Schreve - The World's Most Believed Lie
11-02-2022, 02:53, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - The Truth About the Last Days
Jeff Schreve - The Truth About the Last Days
11-01-2025, 08:00, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - From Defense to Offense
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10-01-2025, 13:00, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - Do You Know the Truth?
Jeff Schreve - Do You Know the Truth?
20-05-2022, 00:00, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - God Alone
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10-01-2025, 14:00, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - Believers, Deceivers, and the Deceived
Jeff Schreve - Believers, Deceivers, and the Deceived
10-01-2025, 10:00, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - The Real Inconvenient Truth
Jeff Schreve - The Real Inconvenient Truth
11-02-2022, 02:53, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - The Joy of Obedience
Jeff Schreve - The Joy of Obedience
11-02-2022, 02:53, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - Victory or Defeat?
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11-02-2022, 03:14, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - The Fake Newscaster
Jeff Schreve - The Fake Newscaster
11-02-2022, 02:53, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - Are You Holding Firmly to the Truth?
Jeff Schreve - Are You Holding Firmly to the Truth?
20-05-2022, 00:00, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - Standing Guilty Before God
Jeff Schreve - Standing Guilty Before God
10-01-2025, 22:00, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - A Fork in the Road
Jeff Schreve - A Fork in the Road
11-02-2022, 00:30, Jeff Schreve
Jeff Schreve - Trouble!
Jeff Schreve - Trouble!
11-02-2022, 02:53, Jeff Schreve