Joel Osteen - Underestimated

God uses underestimated people. When you're looked down on, told it's not going to happen, get ready, God is about to show out in your life. It's going to be uncommon. People are going to be scratching their heads: how did he become that successful? Do you know what neighborhood he was raised in? How did she marry that man, I don't see it? How did she defeat the cancer, did you see with the report? How did he become the pastor of Lakewood, he didn't have the training? God loves to take underestimated people and do something awesome.

The reason he puts you in situations that are too big, too strong, too much, it's not to defeat you, but to establish you. When God turns it around, when you discover the greatness inside, when you step up and defy the odds, people will see you in a whole new light. That's moving you towards your God-given purpose.
Joel Osteen - The Hand of Blessing
Joel Osteen - The Hand of Blessing
15-11-2021, 04:00, Joel Osteen
Joel Osteen - God Loves Imperfect People
Joel Osteen - God Loves Imperfect People
20-12-2020, 16:00, Joel Osteen
Joel Osteen - Discover Your Greatness
Joel Osteen - Discover Your Greatness
21-06-2021, 07:00, Joel Osteen
Joel Osteen - The Blessing
Joel Osteen - The Blessing
6-03-2021, 16:00, Joel Osteen
Joel Osteen - A Turnaround Is Coming
Joel Osteen - A Turnaround Is Coming
22-11-2021, 04:00, Joel Osteen
Joel Osteen - The Right People
Joel Osteen - The Right People
19-02-2021, 16:00, Joel Osteen
Joel Osteen - Peace With Yourself
Joel Osteen - Peace With Yourself
16-04-2021, 16:00, Joel Osteen
Joel Osteen - When God Seems Too Late
Joel Osteen - When God Seems Too Late
16-02-2021, 03:08, Joel Osteen
Joel Osteen - The Twenty First Day
Joel Osteen - The Twenty First Day
23-05-2021, 16:00, Joel Osteen
Joel Osteen - Appreciating The People In Your Life
Joel Osteen - Appreciating The People In Your Life
13-12-2020, 16:00, Joel Osteen
Joel Osteen - Choosing To Be Happy
Joel Osteen - Choosing To Be Happy
7-01-2022, 23:01, Joel Osteen
Joel Osteen - Be A Barrier Breaker
Joel Osteen - Be A Barrier Breaker
17-03-2021, 16:00, Joel Osteen