Joel Osteen - Supernatural Provision

When Peter didn't have money to pay his taxes, Jesus told him to go to the lake. And the first fish he caught had two coins in it, enough to pay his and Jesus taxes. God was showing us that he has supernatural provision. He's not limited by what you don't have, he's not limited by how were raised, the family you come from. There may be lack, struggle, barely get by. That's how it's been, but you've been raised up to break the negative cycle.

God has some net-breaking blessings in your future. You couldn't make it happen. You fish all night and caught nothing. You did your best, worked hard, honored God, but you still came up: empty your time is coming. God is directing those fish right now. He's lining up supernatural provision, something you've never seen. Boats sinking blessings, increase that not only affects you, but it spills over to your children, your grandchildren. You're going to have to call some other boats to take in the overflow.

God has some of these net-breaking blessings for you. He has supernatural provision, supernatural increase. He's not limited by your education, your experience, who you know, how you were raised. He knows how to bring the fish to you. You do your part, and let him in your boat. Honor him with income, and God will bless you in ways you've never imagined.

God will allow situations where it looks impossible, so he can show us his supernatural provision. Don't be surprised if you face times where all the facts say, "There's no way. Your resources are limited. You fished all night and caught nothing". No, God is up to something. He didn't bring you this far to leave you.

You may know him as your Savior, that's the most important. You may know him as your healer, that's good. But you need to know him as your provider. He has supernatural provision.
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