Joel Osteen - Pre-Planned For Purpose

I want to talk to you today about Preplanned For Purpose. It's easy to think that we have to make everything happen. This can be stressful and discouraging, because there are things that we can't make happen. We've gone as far as we can, and feels like we've reached our limits. The good news is: you're not doing life on your own. It's not just up to you, there's something happening that you can't see.

Now, our part is to honor God, keep him first place. When he pre-planned your life, he arranged the comeback for every setback, a solution to every problem, mercy for every mistake, a new beginning for every loss.

Your setbacks, disappointments, betrayals, they don't catch God off guard. He wouldn't have allowed it if it was going to stop your purpose. It may not have been fair, but God has the final say. He's already prearranged how he's going to turn that for your good.

Like in the natural, a gene can lie dormant in our body for years. It's been pre-programmed by genetics, by who your parents and relatives are. In the same way there are gifts God put in you that you can't see right now, talent, potential, ability that you need for your purpose. When the right time comes, you're going to discover ability that you never knew you had.

God put greatness on the inside, value, honor, influence, things that have not yet all come out, things that he has pre-planned that will cause you to bloom, to blossom, to go further than you ever dreamed.

Like David, that potential that's been lying dormant in you is going to suddenly come to life. You're going to feel a supernatural strength, a supernatural power, God breathing in your direction. He's already pre-planned your victory, he's already put treasure in your earthen vessel. Yes, you may seem ordinary, the truth is: you are extraordinary.

The scripture says that God chose us before we could choose him. Part of this good life that God has pre-planned is when he reaches down in mercy and calls us out of darkness into the light. When we become a new creation.

You don't know where God is taking you. You don't know the treasure that's going to wake up, the gifts, the callings, the ideas that are going to come alive. It's already pre-planned. There are good things that God has already prearranged for you.

You're not limited by your background, your job, your family, your skills: God has things pre-planned that will catapult you ahead, things you didn't see coming. His ways are not our ways. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. We think natural, but he's supernatural.

God is so merciful. He not only pre-planned the good breaks, the open doors, the right people, but he's pre-planned the fish to rescue you when you go the wrong way. Don't believe those lies that you've made too many mistakes, you've gotten too far off course, you've missed what God pre-planned for you. Can I encourage you? You're not that powerful. God's calling is still on your life.

There are things that God has pre-planned for you that he's not going to let you miss. What God has purposed for your life is still going to come to pass.

I believe and declare: you're about to step in to some prearranged blessings, some pre-planned favor, something you didn't see coming. The treasure God put in you is about to be discovered. Talent, promotion, resources, breakthroughs, the fullness of your destiny, in Jesus' name. And if you receive it, can you say amen? Amen!
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