Joel Osteen - Choosing A Good Mood

I want to talk to you today about Choosing a Good Mood. God created us as emotional beings. We can all feel things: we feel joy, excitement, passion. And we can feel sadness, sorrow, discouragement. Feelings come to us all, but here's the key: feelings don't always tell us the truth. Feelings are not facts.

Right there you have a choice: are you going to let those feelings dictate your mood? Or are you going to rule over those feelings, and decide what kind of mood you're going to be in?

You have to make the choice, "That's not for me. I'm going to live this day on in faith. I'm going to focus on what's right. I want to enjoy my family. I'm going to be grateful. I'm choosing to have a good mood". That's how you rule your feelings, and not let them rule you.

You can think yourself discouraged, think yourself bitter, or you can try a better approach, and despite how you feel, you can think yourself into a good mood. Instead of dwelling on what you don't have, what's wrong, what didn't work out, start thinking about what God promised you.

You have to choose to have a good mood, despite the feeling. Choose joy despite the discouragement. Choose faith despite the doubt. Jeremiah 17:7 said, "Blessed is the person who is steady and immovable". That should be our goal: consistently in a good mood, consistently happy, consistently friendly, consistently kind.

You're in charge. They are not the boss of you. Quit letting how you feel dictate your mood, and start choosing to have a good mood, choosing to be kind, choosing to be friendly, choosing to be hopeful.

When you choose to praise instead of complain, forces of darkness are broken. When you're consistent, stable, always in a good mood, you give the enemy a nervous breakdown. He's expecting you to fall apart, get on board with your emotions, take that train to depression, to bitterness. He didn't realize you're a Habakkuk, you're a "Yet" person.

If you're letting how you feel determine your day, you're not going to have the joy and victory that belongs to you. Start choosing to be in a good mood. Override those feelings telling you to be sour, and on purpose have a good attitude.

Quit carrying around all the worry, the stress, the disappointment. Life is going to happen. If you're only going to have a good mood if things go your way, then you're setting yourself up for disappointment.

If you'll rule over those emotions, and choose a good mood, I believe and declare: you're going to live happier, you're going to have better relationships, you're going to go further.
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