I want to talk to you today about Stronger Than You Think. We all face pressure in life and times where we could feel overwhelmed: the obstacle looks too big, we never dreamed we'd be dealing with this sickness. We thought this trouble at work would be over by now. It's easy to feel like it's too much, we can't take it anymore. But the scripture says (1 Corinthians 10:13) "God will never let you face anything that you can't handle, but he will make a way of escape so you will be able to bear it". When God designed you he took into account everything you would face: every struggle, every unfair situation, every setback, and he put in you the strength, the courage, the determination to withstand it.
When you feel overwhelmed, like the pressure is too much, it's because you're stronger than you think, you haven't discovered all that's in you. You'll never know how strong you really are, until you face pressure that you've never faced. It may seem unbearable, but the fact that God allowed it means that you can handle it. He didn't say he'd make a way of escape so you could run from it, so you could avoid it. He said "So you can bear it". You can look back at times where you didn't think you could go on, the pressure seemed unbearable, but somehow it didn't defeat you. You had the strength to get up another day, you kept going when you didn't feel like you had anything left. Why didn't it break you? Because you were stronger than you thought. God designed you to handle that pressure. He wouldn't have allowed you to get in it, if he hadn't already put in you what you needed to handle it. You will always be able to bear whatever comes your way.