Joel Osteen - Don't Lose Your Joy (2024)

I want to talk to you today аbout: Don't Lose Your Joy. Joy is directly connected to your strength. If you don't have joy, you won't be able to outlast the opposition, deal with the pressures of raising that child, the frustrations at work. Getting your joy back is not an option. Joy is a necessity, that's what's giving you the strength to overcome.

The enemy is not really after your dreams, your children, your health, your finances. You know what he's really after? Your joy. He knows, if you don't have joy you're going to be weak, you'll be easy prey. If he can keep you discouraged, overwhelmed by pressure, then he'll be able to defeat you in any area.

If you're going to keep your joy, you have to be proactive. You can't wait to see how you feel. When you wake up in the morning you have to make a decision like David, "I'm going to be glad today. I'm going to smile, I'm going to be grateful, I'm going to see the good. Yes, it's difficult, but I know God's on the throne. I know he's fighting my battles. I know, him being for me is more than the world being against me".

If you keep your joy, you can't be defeated. Joy is not just a feeling, it's a force, it's strengthening you, empowering you, causing you to overcome what could have stopped you.

It's easy to be joyful when we're getting good breaks, our children are healthy and people are treating us right, that doesn't take any faith. The test comes when people do you wrong, when life throws you a curb. You have to decide like Paul and Silas, "I'm going to be of good cheer despite what's happening.". Being of good cheer is what's going to help you to overcome that trouble.

God has not brought you this far to leave you. You have to get your joy back, so you'll have the strength to step into the new things he has for you.

Your joy is connected to your strength. The more joyful you are, the stronger you're going to be. And I don't mean laughing all the time, I'm talking about a contentment on the inside. You have a song of praise in your spirit, a gratefulness to God. You're always thanking him for what he's done. You have a smile on your face. You're passionate about the day.

If you'll get your joy back, you'll get your strength back. If you'll be of good cheer in the midst of your the difficulty, that's your faith at work, that's when God will show up and do what you can't do: open doors like for Paul and Silas, make ways where you don't see a way.

Your joy is directly connected to your strength. No person can take it, no circumstance. Now, do your part, don't give it away. If you'll do this, I believe and declare: discouragement is leaving right now, fear cannot stay, doubt is going. You're about to see a new level of joy, a new level of strength, a new level of favor, the fullness of your destiny, in Jesus name. And if you receive it, can you say amen? Amen!
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