I want to talk to you today about reframing it. How you see things will determine how you live. We don’t always see them as they are; we see them as we are. We all have filters through which we view the world: how we were raised, past experiences, our personality, and culture. All these things affect our perspective. You can take two people and put them in the same situation-lots of good things happening and a few negatives. One will be happy, content, and enjoying life; the other will be discouraged, worried, and complaining about where they are. The difference is their filter. If your filter is contaminated, it’s going to distort everything you see, making you negative and critical. You may think, «I can’t overcome this challenge.» The problem is that our perception becomes our reality. How we view things becomes real to us. The scripture says, «To the pure, all things are pure.» You have to reframe it. You could have a great life, a loving family, good health, and opportunities, but if you have the wrong frame and are viewing it through a distorted lens, you won’t enjoy what God has given you.
See it from a new perspective: positive, grateful, thanking God for what you have; focus on the good. Every blessing brings a burden; you can’t be blessed without facing more challenges. You prayed for that bigger house, but now you have to clean it. You believed for that spouse, but he can get on your nerves. You dreamed of those children, but they require a lot of work. If you focus on the burden, you’ll miss the blessing, yet the burden is only a fraction of what the blessing is. I hear people say, «I have to go to work today.» The truth is, you don’t have to go to work; you get to go to work. God gave you breath to breathe; he woke you up this morning, provided that job, opened that door, and put talent in you. You need to reframe it. A lot of people would love to have your job. They 're looking for employment, sending out résumés, hoping the phone will ring.
Have a new perspective: «Lord, thank you that I get to go to work today. Thank you for blessing me with this position.» Well, Joel, they don’t treat me right; this coworker always leaves me out and says derogatory things. That doesn’t have to steal your joy. Reframe it: «Father, thank you that you are fighting my battles. In the meantime, I’m going to shine right where you have me. I’m going to prosper where I’m planted.» Don 't spend the next 20 years missing the blessing because you’re focused on the burden.
Well, I have to drive in traffic; it’s always backed up; it takes me forever! The fact that you’re in traffic tells me God’s blessed you with a car; he’s blessed you with eyesight and a sound mind. Reframe it: «Lord, thank you that I get to drive in traffic today. Thank you for giving me the resources, the strength, and the health.» This changes your whole attitude. It dishonors God for us to go through the day complaining and focusing on problems. This day is a gift from God; once we live it, we can’t get it back. The enemy would love for you to waste years living a blessed life without recognizing it-walking in God’s favor and protection, but always seeing the burden: what’s wrong, what you don’t have. Why do you miss all the great things God has blessed you with?
Well, I have to clean the house again today; seems like that’s all I do. The fact is you get to clean the house. God blessed you with a place to live. He’s given you strength and health to be productive. A lot of people in the hospital would love to be able to get out, go to work, grocery shop, and mow the lawn. Reframe it: instead of complaining as you vacuum, say, «Lord, thank you that my arms work. Thank you that my lungs function. Thank you that I have energy and mobility.»
Yeah, Joel, I do that, but my house is too small; I don’t like being here. Here 's the key: if you don’t learn to be happy where you are, you probably won’t get to where you want to be. If you learn to thank God for what you have, then God can multiply it. Remember when the disciples brought the five loaves and two fish to Jesus? It wasn’t enough for 5,000 people. Jesus could have been disgruntled, thinking, «What good is this? I need a whole lot more.» But the scripture says he lifted up the loaves and the fish and thanked God for them. When he gave thanks for what was not enough, God multiplied it, and it fed all 5,000 people.
Sometimes, we’re waiting for God to multiply our not enough, but we’re missing this step. We’re discouraged, complaining, «God, when are you going to change this?» Try a different approach: «Father, I thank you for this small apartment. Lord, I thank you for this older car. God, I’m grateful for this job-even though they’re not treating me right.» When you thank God for what’s not enough, that’s when God can multiply it and bring you into more than enough.
«Joel, I’m so tired of taking care of my children, cooking meals, picking up toys, and having to get up in the middle of the night.» You need to reframe it. You 're focused on the burden, missing the blessing. Do you know how many people would love to have your children? I pray for couples after every service who are believing to conceive; their dream is to have a child. Some spend thousands of dollars on fertility treatments; they’d give anything to have your children. But when you’re only focused on the burden, it’ll drain you.