I want to talk to you today about Refusing Negative Seeds. We all have voices that are trying to keep us from our destiny. Sometimes it's people telling us what we can't become, and how we're not going to accomplish the dream. Words are like seeds. If you dwell on them long enough, they'll take root and become a reality. The good news is: you get to choose what gets planted in your soil.
The scripture says to guard your mind. That's saying: don't let just any seed get in there, be selective. If that seed is negative, discouraging, bringing fear, pushing you down, don't give it the time of day. You need to say, "No, thanks. I refuse that seed. I'm not letting that defeat take root in my soil".
Don't get in agreement with negative things people speak over you. What they're saying maybe true for a lot of people, but you're the exception. When these negative seeds come, it's really easy, refuse it, don't dwell on it, don't go around talking about it, don't start expecting it to happen. Keep your mind filled with positive, hopeful, faith-filled thoughts.
Don't expect all your family and friends to encourage you and tell you how great you are. That's when the Sauls will show up, people that cast negative seeds, try to get you to doubt, second guess yourself, discredit you, make you feel small like you don't measure up. Don't let those seeds take root. People don't determine your destiny, God does.
The giant is a sign that a new level is coming. But here's the key: before that happens, king Saul will show up. The real test is not Goliath, the real test is Saul, the negative words, the doubt, the fear, the insecurity, trying to get you to question yourself, question whether you really heard God, question if you really have what it takes. Dismiss the doubt. Refuse those negative seeds.
These negative seeds can cause worry and anxiety where you can't enjoy your life. Instead of letting them take root, why don't you turn the what-ifs around and dwell on the best-case scenarios? Dwell on something hopeful, something that builds your faith. Quit letting the negative play in your mind. You choose which seeds get planted in your soil. You have to take control of your thought life.
Before you accomplish the dream, the enemy will make sure there will be negative seeds. Before your health turns around, before your child gets back on course, before you break that addiction these seeds of doubt, discouragement, can't-do-it, not good enough, never going to happen. Don't believe those lies. Turn it around and declare what God says about you.
Notice the principle: you may overhear some negative words, overhear negative reports, but you have to learn to ignore them, don't give them the time of day, don't dwell on it. You're not denying the problem, you're not acting like it doesn't exist, but you're not letting it take root.
When you believe, all things are possible. Don't give those negative seeds any room in your soil. When you're in a battle, when you're up against giants, you need your heart filled with hope, filled with faith, knowing that God is bigger, that he's fighting your battles, that he's making ways where you don't see a way.
We control what we allow in our soil. I'm asking you to refuse the negative seeds, refuse the doubt, refuse the fear, refuse the limitations that people put on you. It's amazing what God would do if you don't let negative seeds take root. Whose report are you going to believe? The report of the Lord or the report of people? People are limited, God is unlimited. People are natural, God is supernatural.
Pass that test. Start refusing negative seeds. Don't let what people speak over you determine your future. Don't let what the expert said cause you to live in doubt. Guard your mind, and keep those negative seeds out.
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