Joel Osteen - Your Superbloom Season

I want to talk to you today about Your Super Bloom Season. There was a story on the news about all the rain in parts of California last winter. Places that normally have a dozen inches a year, had that much in just a few days. Month after month there was all this record-breaking rainfall, was causing all kinds damage, mudslides, flash flooding, people having to evacuate. They would get through one big storm, then couple of weeks later another one, even bigger. But when spring time rolled around, something unusual happened. All across the fields and mountainsides where it was normally grass and weeds, there were flowers blossoming everywhere. It was the most beautiful colorful sight, looked like a postcard. They call it a super bloom. Because of the record-breaking rainfall, seeds that had been dormant for years begin to blossom.

All the rain caused trouble, hardship, but without that excessive rain, there would have never been a super bloom. It's the same principle in life: we all have rain, difficulties, sometimes there's a downpour, it's one thing after another. All that rain is a sign that a super bloom is coming. You're about to blossom. You're going to see favor, opportunities, relationships that you could have never seen without the rain.

Don't let the rain fool you. That's not how your story ends. There may be flooding now, there's heartache, disappointment, loss, it's not letting up. Have the right perspective, "Father, thank you that this rain is leading to a super bloom. That I'm about to flourish, that I'm about to blossom, that my best days are still in front of me".

God was showing us a pattern: many times before our super bloom there's a dry season, a drought, nothing good's happening, no favor, no promotion, things are slow. Stay faithful in the dry seasons. Without the drought, you can't have a super bloom. Without delays, things that are taking longer than you thought, you won't see the fullness of what God has in store. But you would think the perfect conditions for a super bloom was good weather, and sunshine, the right amount of rain, little fertilizer. It's just the opposite. To have a super bloom you have to have a drought, followed by excessive rain.

The dry season, the excessive rain that's all leading you to a super bloom. That's how those seeds of increase, seeds of abundance, seeds of new levels are going to take root.

Joseph went through a drought, he went through excessive rain, trouble, betrayal, rejection, lonely nights, but those two things are the perfect conditions for a super bloom. Then he came into a super bloom, favor that he had never imagined, influence, honor, resources.

Get this down in your spirit: a super bloom season, dreams coming to pass, opportunities finding you, good breaks chasing you down, the right people knocking at your door.

You may have trouble all around, excessive rain, that's not the end of the story. Those are the perfect conditions for a super bloom. God setting you up to do something you've never seen.
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