#547 - Joseph Prince - A Fresh Revelation Of The Communion Brings Healing - Highlights

Remember before Elijah said, "I hear the sound of the abundance of rain," what happened? The fire fell on the offering up there on Carmel. If there is no offering being offered, if there is no fire falling, it's a picture of Jesus Christ being consumed at the cross when he bore our sins. If there is no cross, there is no abundance of rain! But the cross is a glorious fact and now even Ahab was told, a person who doesn't deserve the rain to fall on him, "Get up, go and eat". "I hear the sound of the abundance of the rain," Elijah said. Rejoice, church, rejoice. It's the year of harvest. It's the year of manifestation. It's the Year of the latter rain.

Make sure your revelation is plentiful. This is gonna be the year for it. In other words, the harvest is gonna be great.
#490 - Joseph Prince - Win Over Fear And Pride - Part 3
#490 - Joseph Prince - Win Over Fear And Pride - Part 3
12-12-2022, 22:00, Joseph Prince
Joel Osteen - The Rain Is Coming
Joel Osteen - The Rain Is Coming
5-12-2020, 16:00, Joel Osteen
Touré Roberts - Go Again
Touré Roberts - Go Again
14-03-2025, 13:00, Touré Roberts
Rick Renner - Times of Refreshing
Rick Renner - Times of Refreshing
25-04-2022, 18:00, Rick Renner
#680 - Joseph Prince - Hope For The Third-Day Generation - Part 2
#680 - Joseph Prince - Hope For The Third-Day Generation - Part 2
20-07-2023, 21:00, Joseph Prince
Bill Johnson - Rain
Bill Johnson - Rain
6-07-2021, 01:00, Bill Johnson
TD Jakes - The Rainmaker
TD Jakes - The Rainmaker
2-11-2021, 15:00, TD Jakes
#238 Joseph Prince - God Has Crowned You With Glory And Honor (Clip)
#238 Joseph Prince - God Has Crowned You With Glory And Honor (Clip)
28-11-2021, 14:00, Joseph Prince
#660 - Joseph Prince - God's Way Of Acceleration - Part 1
#660 - Joseph Prince - God's Way Of Acceleration - Part 1
31-05-2023, 20:00, Joseph Prince
Steven Furtick - Wasted Rain
Steven Furtick - Wasted Rain
19-03-2022, 13:00, Steven Furtick
Joel Osteen - Your Superbloom Season
Joel Osteen - Your Superbloom Season
30-04-2023, 16:00, Joel Osteen
Carter Conlon - And He Prayed Again
Carter Conlon - And He Prayed Again
31-07-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
#610 - Joseph Prince - God Is Good Even When Times Are Bad - Highlights
#610 - Joseph Prince - God Is Good Even When Times Are Bad - Highlights
11-04-2023, 19:00, Joseph Prince
#532 - Joseph Prince - How To Be Blessed God's Way - Part 4
#532 - Joseph Prince - How To Be Blessed God's Way - Part 4
23-01-2023, 23:00, Joseph Prince
#196 Joseph Prince - The Sin Offering
#196 Joseph Prince - The Sin Offering
13-10-2021, 14:00, Joseph Prince
#640 - Joseph Prince - Your Failure Isn't Final - Highlights
#640 - Joseph Prince - Your Failure Isn't Final - Highlights
11-05-2023, 19:00, Joseph Prince
#424 - Joseph Prince - Expect A Harvest of Blessings - Part 1
#424 - Joseph Prince - Expect A Harvest of Blessings - Part 1
7-10-2022, 20:00, Joseph Prince
#613 - Joseph Prince - God's Supply Unveiled In Elijah And Elisha - Part 3
#613 - Joseph Prince - God's Supply Unveiled In Elijah And Elisha - Part 3
14-04-2023, 22:00, Joseph Prince
#659 - Joseph Prince - The Year Of Rest And Acceleration - Highlights
#659 - Joseph Prince - The Year Of Rest And Acceleration - Highlights
30-05-2023, 19:00, Joseph Prince
#621 - Joseph Prince - The Year Of Hazon Vision - Part 2
#621 - Joseph Prince - The Year Of Hazon Vision - Part 2
22-04-2023, 21:00, Joseph Prince
#655 - Joseph Prince - Secrets Of The Peace Offering - Part 1
#655 - Joseph Prince - Secrets Of The Peace Offering - Part 1
26-05-2023, 20:00, Joseph Prince
Sid Roth - Pentecost Word for You
Sid Roth - Pentecost Word for You
14-05-2021, 06:00, Sid Roth
Jeff Schreve - Answered Prayer
Jeff Schreve - Answered Prayer
11-02-2022, 00:30, Jeff Schreve
Rick Renner - The Holy Spirit Rain, River, Water
Rick Renner - The Holy Spirit Rain, River, Water
19-04-2022, 18:00, Rick Renner