Joel Osteen - Meditating on What God Says

Philippians 4:8 says, “Think on things that are wholesome, things that are pure, things that are of a good report.” In order to walk in victory, we have to meditate on the right things. It’s important to make sure we take inventory of our thought life. The good news is we have the ability to choose what we think about. You can control the doorway to your mind. When negative thoughts come knocking, you don’t have to answer the door. You can say, “No, thanks. I’m going to choose to meditate on what God says about me.”

Believe that you are blessed. Believe that your best days are in front of you. Believe that you’re strong, healthy, talented, creative and well able. Get rid of wrong thoughts that are contaminating your thinking and meditate on what God says about you. God said in Isaiah 26:3, “If you will keep your mind fixed on Me, then I will keep you in perfect peace.” As you keep your thoughts fixed on God, you’ll have peace. You will be assured knowing God is in control, and you will walk in total victory.
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