Joel Osteen - You Are Not Damaged Goods

There is no dysfunction, injustice or disappointment that can keep you from your destiny! Many people today go around with a “damaged goods” label, feeling guilty and condemned by what they’ve been through. But the truth is, we’ve all had difficulties. You can’t live very long without making a mistake, being hurt by someone, going through a breakup, being broken by divorce, an unhealthy childhood or an addiction. The key is to move forward and let it go.

In this message, Joel will show you how to do just that and get out of the “damaged goods” section. Find out how to make the most of your life, regardless of how you were raised, how many bad breaks you’ve had, or how insignificant you may feel. It’s time to move forward, let it go and walk in greatness once again!
Joel Osteen - Move Forward
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