We all face situations that seem impossible, and it’s very easy to want to give up. After all, if it’s taken a while, sometimes it’s easy to settle, get discouraged and think nothing will ever change. But, that’s where our faith kicks in. So many men and women in the Bible who were used greatly by God knew of a secret - they were a “nevertheless” person. They knew that if they were going to see the thing they were believing for, the thing God had promised them would come to pass, they had to hold on to their trust in God and daily persevere and release their faith. Don’t give up on the promise God has placed in your heart. Instead, let this timely message by Joel teach you and equip you with faith-building Scriptures to confess over your life as you find inspiration from others in the Bible who persevered in faith and saw their miracle! You too will see the same thing happen in your own life if you do not give up!