Jonathan Bernis - Israel and the Last Days - Part 1

More than ever before, it’s essential to understand why Israel is at the center of so much conflict in the Middle East. Ezra Benjamin joins Jonathan Bernis to discuss Israel’s place in history, in today’s news and future prophetic events found in God’s Word. If you want to understand the Last Days, it’s imperative to know how they connect to Israel and all Believers. You’ll gain special insight to discern the meaning behind current events in a whole new way. Ezra Benjamin is the VP of Global Outreach at Jewish Voice Ministries.
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Jonathan Bernis - The Importance of the Land of Israel
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Jonathan Bernis - A Lasting Peace - Part 3
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Jonathan Bernis - Mark Regev
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Jonathan Bernis - Israel and the Last Days - Part 3
Jonathan Bernis - Israel and the Last Days - Part 3
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Jonathan Bernis - Why Still Care About Israel?
Jonathan Bernis - Why Still Care About Israel?
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Jonathan Bernis - Does God Care What You Think of Israel?
Jonathan Bernis - Does God Care What You Think of Israel?
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Jonathan Bernis - Israel and the Last Days - Part 2
Jonathan Bernis - Israel and the Last Days - Part 2
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Jonathan Bernis - War in Israel Continued
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Jonathan Bernis - The Lord Our Provider
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Jonathan Bernis - The People Called Israel
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Jonathan Bernis - Hear O' Israel Festival in Poland
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Jonathan Bernis - God's Plan for Israel
Jonathan Bernis - God's Plan for Israel
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Jonathan Bernis - The Lord Your Healer
Jonathan Bernis - The Lord Your Healer
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Jonathan Bernis - The Lord Our Righteousness
Jonathan Bernis - The Lord Our Righteousness
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Jonathan Bernis - Jacob Becomes Israel
Jonathan Bernis - Jacob Becomes Israel
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Jonathan Bernis - When a Jew Rules the World - Part 3
Jonathan Bernis - When a Jew Rules the World - Part 3
22-02-2022, 00:47, Jonathan Bernis
Jonathan Bernis - 70 Years. Israel's Prophetic Past and Future - Part 2
Jonathan Bernis - 70 Years. Israel's Prophetic Past and Future - Part 2
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Jonathan Bernis - Why Won't Israel's War End?
Jonathan Bernis - Why Won't Israel's War End?
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Jonathan Bernis - Where are the Lost Tribes of Israel Today?
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Jonathan Bernis - Israel Rising
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Jonathan Bernis - Former PLO Member Connects Last Days Prophecy to Current Events
Jonathan Bernis - Former PLO Member Connects Last Days Prophecy to Current Events
22-02-2022, 00:00, Jonathan Bernis
Jonathan Bernis - The Lord Almighty - Part 1
Jonathan Bernis - The Lord Almighty - Part 1
22-02-2022, 04:22, Jonathan Bernis