Jonathan Bernis - The Lord Our Righteousness

As we believe God’s Word in our hearts and confess it with our mouths, our faith grows. Grasp the transforming power released when we speak God’s holy words back to Him in the Hebrew language. Rabbi Jonathan Bernis and Ezra Benjamin discuss “The Lord Our Righteousness,” part of the Confessing the Hebrew Scriptures series. Ezra Benjamin is Vice President of Global Outreach at Jewish Voice.
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Jonathan Bernis - The Lord Almighty - Part 2
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Jonathan Bernis - A Lasting Peace - Part 3
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Jonathan Bernis - Passover - Part 2
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Jonathan Bernis - Messianic Prophecies - Part 1
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Jonathan Bernis - Confessing the Hebrew Scriptures (Provider)
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Jonathan Bernis - Unlocking the Prophetic Mysteries of Israel
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Jonathan Bernis - Confessing the Hebrew Scriptures
Jonathan Bernis - Confessing the Hebrew Scriptures
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Jonathan Bernis - The Importance of the Land of Israel
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Jonathan Bernis - The Lord My Shepherd
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Jonathan Bernis - Israel and the Last Days - Part 1
Jonathan Bernis - Israel and the Last Days - Part 1
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Jonathan Bernis - Confessing the Hebrew Scriptures with Danny Ben Gigi
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Jonathan Bernis - 5-Minute Feast, Yom Kippur
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Jonathan Bernis - Hebrew Promises from Scripture
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Jonathan Bernis - Adonai Nissi - Part 3
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Jonathan Bernis - Hebrew Promises, God Sees You
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Jonathan Bernis - Adonai Nissi - Part 2
Jonathan Bernis - Adonai Nissi - Part 2
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