It's important you tithe with revelation. Not just tithe, you know, and say, "Well, I tithed, you know, I tithed for a while and nothing happens". No, my friend, your tithe has got to be something that's part of your worship...
I believe that when God gives you favor, the world will see it. Your boss will see it, your clients will see it. And the people under your ministry and even sinners that we reach out to will see it....
The Bible says: "Where your money is, where your treasure is, there will your heart be". In other words, wherever you put your seed, your money in, your heart will follow. If you sow into the gospel ground, your heart will be into the...
The Word of God says God wants to strengthen you for what purpose? So you become a person who is steadfast, enduring person. That's towards circumstances that are adverse, and then patience is towards people. You find salvation means more than...
Friend, once you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, you better know you're saved. There's no more working out. In fact, there's no such thing as working out for your salvation. You cannot work for your salvation. It's not by...
I love to feed on the Gospels because I see the life of Jesus and I see him doing miracles and all that. Especially when I'm not feeling well, I just go through the healing miracles of Jesus and many a times, before it's finished I'm...
If your heart is open to God and you want to know what God is saying to you, God can use means but it's always by the Word of God, amen? The enemy is afraid of seeing you spend time in the Word, studying the Word with a teachable heart, amen....
God puts it on Jesus so that he pays it, he takes your place, that you might take his place, 2 Corinthians 5:21. If sin is on him, righteousness is on me. If judgment is on him, grace is on me. He was cast out, I'm accepted and loved. God sent...
God is not a tyrant: "Work for me; serve me". No, God is a God who makes sure that you get to eat, that you're well paid, amen. I think we have heard this before, that we behold the glory of the Lord, we become like him, amen? And...
"God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son". "Your only son, and the son that you loved". You see, you must know that he loves you because the Son that he gave up on that cross is the Son that he loves. You must...
When God gives you prosperity... God used the word "good success" to Joshua: "You shall have good success". That means you have time for your family, you have time to bring your wife out, to romance her again, amen. You have time...