#706 - Joseph Prince - Pray For Good Success Today - Part 4
If you study the Bible, God wants you to prosper in every dimension of your life.
Problems will come, but there's something inside us that will rise up. That's the treasure in the earthen vessel. The falling down, the discouragement, the bad-temperedness is all our earthen vessel, but there's a treasure inside, amen. God allows us to go through these things to break that earthen vessel so the light can shine forth. Can I have a good amen?
Your disqualification is the manifestation, a chance for him to manifest his strength and his grace. So, when you're beset by a situation, "We're so strong, we're gonna solve it ourselves," that's the problem, and then we get more into that kind of situation. You know, friend, depend on prayer. Prayer is conscious weakness. "I depend on God". That's grace, hallelujah.
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