#337 - Joseph Prince - Experience Unmerited Favor When You Look To Jesus - Part 2

Notice Jesus. Not only he looks at the leper and examines him as a priest. Jesus has the kingly authority to speak, "Be clean," and the leper was cleansed, using his kingly authority, because where the word of a King is, there is power, and how does he use it? "Be clean". "Rise up, and walk". "Lazarus, come forth". "I have compassion on them". This King uses power to bless all of us. You see, the Bible says, "Seek his righteousness, and all these things," provisions, supply, healing, will be added. You don't even have to release faith many a times for provision.
#336 - Joseph Prince - Restored To Wholeness By Grace - Part 3
#336 - Joseph Prince - Restored To Wholeness By Grace - Part 3
11-07-2022, 22:00, Joseph Prince
#296 - Joseph Prince - Healing Flows When Grace Is Exalted - Part 2
#296 - Joseph Prince - Healing Flows When Grace Is Exalted - Part 2
1-06-2022, 21:00, Joseph Prince
#337 - Joseph Prince - Experience Unmerited Favor When You Look To Jesus - Part 1
#337 - Joseph Prince - Experience Unmerited Favor When You Look To Jesus - Part 1
12-07-2022, 20:00, Joseph Prince
#337 - Joseph Prince - Experience Unmerited Favor When You Look To Jesus - Highlights
#337 - Joseph Prince - Experience Unmerited Favor When You Look To Jesus - Highlights
12-07-2022, 19:00, Joseph Prince
#275 - Joseph Prince - Supply Flows As You Look To Jesus
#275 - Joseph Prince - Supply Flows As You Look To Jesus
17-02-2022, 14:00, Joseph Prince
#269 - Joseph Prince - Step Into Jesus' Supply Daily
#269 - Joseph Prince - Step Into Jesus' Supply Daily
15-02-2022, 14:00, Joseph Prince
#144 Joseph Prince - The Healing Power Of God's Gift Of Righteousness
#144 Joseph Prince - The Healing Power Of God's Gift Of Righteousness
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#099 Joseph Prince - The Power Of The Amen
#099 Joseph Prince - The Power Of The Amen
3-11-2020, 15:00, Joseph Prince
#242 - Joseph Prince - Jesus' Blood Cries Forgiveness, Righteousness And Peace For Us
#242 - Joseph Prince - Jesus' Blood Cries Forgiveness, Righteousness And Peace For Us
1-02-2022, 00:19, Joseph Prince
#229 Joseph Prince - Jesus, A Brother Like No Other
#229 Joseph Prince - Jesus, A Brother Like No Other
14-11-2021, 14:00, Joseph Prince
#160 Joseph Prince - The Spirit Of Prophecy Under The New Covenant
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7-01-2021, 15:00, Joseph Prince
#156 Joseph Prince - God's Favor Comes When You See Jesus
#156 Joseph Prince - God's Favor Comes When You See Jesus
6-01-2021, 15:00, Joseph Prince