#441- Joseph Prince - The Now Message, 'The Lord Our Righteousness' (Live at Lakewood Church) - Part 2
Let me tell you this. The Apostle Paul in Acts 20, he says, "God sent me to preach repentance towards God and faith towards our Lord Jesus Christ". Notice repentance towards God. What is repentance towards God? Repentance is the word metanoia, change your mind towards God. You used to think that God is against you; now you know God is for you.
He did no sin, knew no sin, but he received your sin. Now the best thing you can do to honor what he did is to receive his righteousness, and you are righteous apart from your deeds.
#602 - Joseph Prince - Expect Good In Times Of Trouble - Part 1
3-04-2023, 20:00, Joseph Prince
#441- Joseph Prince - The Now Message, 'The Lord Our Righteousness' (Live at Lakewood Church) - Part 1
24-10-2022, 20:00, Joseph Prince
#493 - Joseph Prince - Victory In Your Day of Trouble - Part 3
15-12-2022, 22:00, Joseph Prince
Charles Stanley - A Call to Repentance
1-05-2022, 11:00, Charles Stanley
Amir Tsarfati - The Key is Repentance
31-12-2022, 02:00, Amir Tsarfati
#501 - Joseph Prince - Set Free To Reign In Life (Live at MegaFest) - Part 1
23-12-2022, 20:00, Joseph Prince
Robert Morris - Repentance
27-04-2022, 08:00, Robert Morris
Rick Renner - Repentance: What It Is, What It Isn't, and How to Do It
11-04-2022, 01:24, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - What Is Repentance?
5-12-2021, 18:00, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - The Doctrine of Repentance
10-04-2022, 01:00, Rick Renner
#291 - Joseph Prince - Grace Leads To True Repentance - Part 2
27-05-2022, 21:00, Joseph Prince
#397 - Joseph Prince - Live The Overcoming Life - Part 1
10-09-2022, 20:00, Joseph Prince
Rick Renner - Consequences of Repentance or a Lack of Repentance
9-12-2021, 18:00, Rick Renner
#291 - Joseph Prince - Grace Leads To True Repentance - Part 3
27-05-2022, 22:00, Joseph Prince
#463 - Joseph Prince - What It Means To Prosper In All Things - Part 1
15-11-2022, 20:00, Joseph Prince
#291 - Joseph Prince - Grace Leads To True Repentance - Part 1
27-05-2022, 20:00, Joseph Prince
Rick Renner - Sincere Repentance
10-04-2022, 01:00, Rick Renner
Amir Tsarfati - Suffering and Repentance
11-04-2024, 04:00, Amir Tsarfati
#536 - Joseph Prince - Give Jesus Your Cares And Live Stress-Free (Live at Lakewood Church) - Part 1
27-01-2023, 20:00, Joseph Prince
Rick Renner - Repentance and the Grace of God
11-04-2022, 01:21, Rick Renner
Charles Stanley - The Missing Link
9-07-2021, 14:00, Charles Stanley
Rick Renner - What Is True Repentance?
25-07-2021, 18:00, Rick Renner
#259 - Joseph Prince - God Is For You Today - Part 3
6-02-2022, 17:00, Joseph Prince
#447 - Joseph Prince - Activate God's Favor In Your Life - Highlights