#259 - Joseph Prince - God Is For You Today - Part 3

The more I know grace, the less and less I'm attracted to sin, the more and more I'm attracted to Jesus. So, I do not know about this idea that people have that people, once they understand grace, they will go crazy and they will sin.

Under law, you must repent before God blesses you. Under grace, God blesses you, and the goodness of God leads you to repentance. Which one came first, the net-breaking boat-sinking load of fishes in Peter's boat, or Peter shouting, "Lord, depart from me, I'm a sinful man"? Which one came first, the blessing or repentance? The blessing. Jesus gave him the blessing, and the goodness of God caused Peter to fall on his knees and say, "I'm a sinful man".

When Jesus was captured in Caiaphas's house and Peter was out there denying with cursing and swearing he never knew Jesus, all right? After he denied the third time, the Bible says Jesus turned around and looked at him. Something about that look says, "You see, I told you, but I still love you". Which one came first, Peter repented with weeping and crying, then the Lord turned? Or the Lord turned looked at him to forgive him, then he wept? Which one happened first? He wept first, or the Lord turned to him first? The Lord turned to him, and you and I know in our own walk in our own life how many times he loved us even when we were not walking all the way with him.
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