#639 - Joseph Prince - All Things Work For Your Good - Highlights
God's purpose is that everyone that will believe in Jesus whom he foreknew would believe on Christ, he predestined every one of them, those believers, to end up being conformed to the image of Jesus. So, everything in your life, good things, bad things, amen, small things, big things, whatever it is, all that's happening in your life is so that you... it's all predestined. You are predestined. Now, those things are not predestined, but you are predestined. Those things are working towards the predestination for you to end up just like Jesus.
God is working everything, even though he's not behind everything, especially when they're bad stuff, amen. God is a good God, but he's watching all things for your good.
We are waiting for the Rapture when the Lord comes for us and death will be put under his feet, which is our feet also in him, and death will be no more, you know? There's no more physical death. Praise the Lord. And not only that, the Bible tells us we'll forevermore be glorified. Hallelujah. You cannot sin in that body. You cannot feel bored in that body. You cannot feel tired, fatigued in that body. You'll never have disease in that body, and you'll never ever die. Hallelujah. What a future.
Bill Winston - You Have Been Predestined to Live the Good Life
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Bill Johnson - Why All Things Work Together for Good
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#277 - Joseph Prince - Grace Flows In Your Weaknesses - Part 1
19-02-2022, 14:00, Joseph Prince
#639 - Joseph Prince - All Things Work For Your Good - Part 3
10-05-2023, 22:00, Joseph Prince
#639 - Joseph Prince - All Things Work For Your Good - Part 2
10-05-2023, 21:00, Joseph Prince
#646 - Joseph Prince - Faith That Delights The Lord - Part 3
17-05-2023, 22:00, Joseph Prince
#303 - Joseph Prince - Let Go And Let His Supply Flow - Highlights
8-06-2022, 19:00, Joseph Prince
#639 - Joseph Prince - All Things Work For Your Good - Part 1
10-05-2023, 20:00, Joseph Prince
#481 - Joseph Prince - Amazing Things Happen When You Flow With The Spirit - Part 1
3-12-2022, 20:00, Joseph Prince
#145 Joseph Prince - Your Inheritance, All Things Work Together For Good
31-12-2020, 15:00, Joseph Prince
TD Jakes - Good Things Come in Small Packages
7-03-2023, 06:00, TD Jakes
#620 - Joseph Prince - How To See Many Beautiful Days - Part 3
21-04-2023, 22:00, Joseph Prince
#183 Joseph Prince - The Secret To Being Crowned With Glory And Honor - FULL
25-01-2021, 15:00, Joseph Prince
#444 - Joseph Prince - Fear Not! Death Is Conquered! - Highlights
27-10-2022, 19:00, Joseph Prince
#639 - Joseph Prince - All Things Work For Your Good - Part 4
10-05-2023, 23:00, Joseph Prince
#463 - Joseph Prince - What It Means To Prosper In All Things - Part 1
15-11-2022, 20:00, Joseph Prince
#669 - Joseph Prince - Stay Strong And Healthy God's Way - Highlights
9-07-2023, 19:00, Joseph Prince
Joseph Prince - God's Supply For All Your Needs - Part 2
10-03-2025, 03:00, Joseph Prince
#672 - Joseph Prince - Pillars For Our Church And Life - Part 2
12-07-2023, 21:00, Joseph Prince
Joel Osteen - It's All Good
22-03-2021, 16:00, Joel Osteen
#463 - Joseph Prince - What It Means To Prosper In All Things - Part 2
15-11-2022, 21:00, Joseph Prince
#636 - Joseph Prince - Come To The Feast Of Healing - Part 1
7-05-2023, 20:00, Joseph Prince
#541 - Joseph Prince - Last To First When You Trust His Goodness - Part 4
1-02-2023, 23:00, Joseph Prince
#657 - Joseph Prince - Now Is The Time Of Favor - Part 2