#237 Joseph Prince - Firstborn Blessing, Receive God's Best (Part 3 of 3)

With every problem that comes your way, earth must respond with grain, wine, oil, the Lord's Supper, and the anointing oil, amen? Respond with that, heaven responds, God responds, amen, hallelujah.

Respond with every challenge and conflict, all right, or spiritual attack with grain, wine, and oil, and heaven will respond to you and God will respond to heaven.

Demons are really, really frightened when they see a child of God with bread in one hand and the cup in the other hand. You never look more frightening than when you're like this. Reminds him of Melchizedek. These are weapons. To them, this is like nuclear combustion. This combination will explode them, all right? They are so afraid when they see the bread and the wine, amen? People think they must come with guns and all that. Come the bread and the wine. Against cancer, against disease, against HIV, against all kinds of diseases, and this will produce much more. But the trouble is that man's mind is always want to be intelligent. "How can a piece of bread and a piece of cup produce this big healing," you know? If you think about it, the entire fall of man happened with eating. So God ordained it in such a way everything's reversed by eating.
#604 - Joseph Prince - Activate The Gifts Of The Spirit - Part 2
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5-04-2023, 21:00, Joseph Prince
#237 Joseph Prince - Firstborn Blessing, Receive God's Best (Part 2 of 3)
#237 Joseph Prince - Firstborn Blessing, Receive God's Best (Part 2 of 3)
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#391 - Joseph Prince - Inherit All Of God's Promises - Part 1
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#183 Joseph Prince - The Secret To Being Crowned With Glory And Honor - Part 1
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