#183 Joseph Prince - The Secret To Being Crowned With Glory And Honor - Part 1

If Jesus brought all of us back to glory, then why is it that we don't see the results of it? I believe many a times the results are there, you don't realize it. People look at you and they look at you again. They can't tell what is it about you. They might not tell you but it's happening, all right? But it's so much better when you're conscious of it because it is already real. Once you're born again, you are crowned which not this crown on the head but crowned, surrounded with glory and honor.

He can look in the spiritual world. There's an aura around you like a golden light, amen. And when you lay hands on people, you impart the healing power of God. That's the reason why people are healed. And with that glory and honor, you don't have to worry about people saying things about you or whatever it is. That was my mistake, all right? But God has taught me that. The thing is that, you know, whoever say things about you, want to write things about you, all right, they are trying, they're at a different level. God has crowned you with glory and honor, and they have no glory and honor. What they want is that the moment you respond, you give them glory and honor. So the best thing is that, don't respond to your critics. Look at them, smile, beam, shine, and then walk away.
#238 Joseph Prince - God Has Crowned You With Glory And Honor (Clip)
#238 Joseph Prince - God Has Crowned You With Glory And Honor (Clip)
28-11-2021, 14:00, Joseph Prince
#183 Joseph Prince - The Secret To Being Crowned With Glory and Honor - Highlights
#183 Joseph Prince - The Secret To Being Crowned With Glory and Honor - Highlights
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#183 Joseph Prince - The Secret To Being Crowned With Glory And Honor - FULL
#183 Joseph Prince - The Secret To Being Crowned With Glory And Honor - FULL
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#183 Joseph Prince - The Secret To Being Crowned With Glory And Honor - Part 2
#183 Joseph Prince - The Secret To Being Crowned With Glory And Honor - Part 2
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#183 Joseph Prince - The Secret To Being Crowned With Glory And Honor - Part 3
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