If God has helped you better understand the assignment He has given you, it is important to prayerfully revise the way you’re carrying things out. Once you’ve made an honest assessment of where you are and how well you’re progressing toward achieving your vision, the next step is to make any necessary adjustments. Rather than continue with methods that aren’t working, it is important to prayerfully seek new, more effective ways of cooperating with the Lord to aide in causing your vision become a reality. Tune in to tonight’s Home Group for more insight into this vital exercise.
Rick Renner - Embracing Change
10-08-2021, 19:00, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - Staying On Top of Things
29-06-2022, 18:00, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - Recall Your Vision
25-06-2022, 18:30, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - Responding to the Lord
13-03-2022, 18:30, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - Monitoring Your Progress
24-06-2022, 18:30, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - Revise
27-06-2022, 18:30, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - The Most Important Spiritual Weapon
8-08-2022, 18:30, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - Are Your Prayers Being Answered?
8-05-2022, 18:00, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - Renner Ministries Today
25-05-2022, 18:00, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - Know Where You Stand and Why
5-04-2022, 18:00, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - Faith is a Place
19-07-2022, 18:30, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - What Vision Provides for Your Life
24-04-2023, 07:00, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - Run, That You May Obtain
25-05-2022, 18:30, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - Demolishing Strongholds
17-07-2022, 18:30, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - Having Good Health Is Vital
11-04-2022, 00:03, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - Learning to Say NO
2-02-2022, 18:00, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - God's Winning Strategy
15-05-2022, 18:30, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - Effective Spiritual Weapons
18-07-2022, 18:30, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - Methods Change, the Message is the Same