One person has said, "Christianity stands or falls on the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Disprove it, and you have disposed of Christianity forever."
Robert Jeffress - 3 Reasons the Resurrection Matters
16-06-2021, 12:00, Robert Jeffress
Robert Jeffress - Is Christianity the Only Right Religion?
17-06-2021, 10:00, Robert Jeffress
Robert Jeffress - The Crux of Christianity
26-07-2021, 03:00, Robert Jeffress
Robert Jeffress - The Resurrection: Foolish, Fake News, or Fact?
17-06-2021, 20:00, Robert Jeffress
Robert Jeffress - Christianity's Most Offensive Belief
26-06-2021, 03:00, Robert Jeffress
Robert Jeffress - Where There's a Will, There's a Body
19-10-2021, 03:00, Robert Jeffress
Robert Jeffress - The Day Jesus Came To Church
20-07-2021, 03:00, Robert Jeffress
Robert Jeffress - Why the Old Way is the Wrong Way to God?
20-10-2021, 03:00, Robert Jeffress
Jack Hibbs - Christianity: At Home And Forever
2-08-2022, 09:00, Jack Hibbs
Robert Jeffress - Pressing On to Maturity
29-09-2021, 03:00, Robert Jeffress
Robert Jeffress - The Real Thing
17-10-2021, 03:00, Robert Jeffress
Robert Jeffress - If Jesus Is Still Dead, So What?
18-06-2021, 01:00, Robert Jeffress
Robert Jeffress - When You Feel Abandoned By God
31-05-2022, 17:00, Robert Jeffress
Sid Roth - The Conspiracy to Erase Christianity's Origins with Dr. Robert Fischer
20-07-2021, 06:00, Sid Roth
Robert Jeffress - Forsaken and Forgotten... But Not Forever