Sid Roth - How To Do What Jesus Did with Robby Dawkins

On this episode of Sid Roth's It's Supernatural, Robby Dawkins carries such a strong Presence of God even unsaved people sense it. Gangsters. Witches. Regular people too. They get healed and then they get saved. Find out why Robby says you need to "get out on a limb."

A Chicagoland pastor, Robby was afraid to pray for people, but when he started living the way Jesus did, his life changed, as he says, to something straight out of a movie. So can yours.

You can sit back and envy Robby's stories, or you can use this book and 4-CD set to learn simple, practical ways to take hold of your God-given "power-tools" — healing, ministering the presence of God, prophetic ministry and even deliverance from demonic power. And through amazing but true stories from the front lines of ministry, you'll see what happens when ordinary Christians call on God's power to bring His kingdom to earth.

Robby's message is simple — take some chances. Take some risks in the Name of Jesus.
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