Sid Roth - Amazing Testimony of Healing from Cerebral Palsy with Marlene Klepees

In this It's Supernatural! Classic episode from 1996: Marlene Klepees was born with cerebral palsy. She couldn't walk and could barely communicate. Find out how a mysterious voice told her the exact date and place she would be healed. Meet the woman who experienced this miracle.
Sid Roth - Marlene Was a Quadriplegic. Now Look What She Can Do
Sid Roth - Marlene Was a Quadriplegic. Now Look What She Can Do
23-10-2021, 05:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - Supernatural Healing of Multiple Sclerosis with Patty Janzen
Sid Roth - Supernatural Healing of Multiple Sclerosis with Patty Janzen
14-03-2021, 06:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - Incurable Cancer Healed by Mysterious Presence with Bill and Jo Lawson
Sid Roth - Incurable Cancer Healed by Mysterious Presence with Bill and Jo Lawson
11-04-2021, 05:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - I Murdered Two People, But I Couldn't Escape God's Love with Frank Sherry
Sid Roth - I Murdered Two People, But I Couldn't Escape God's Love with Frank Sherry
6-04-2021, 05:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - This Testimony of Healing from Cancer Will Build Your Faith
Sid Roth - This Testimony of Healing from Cancer Will Build Your Faith
11-11-2021, 05:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - Dr. Michael Brown's Amazing Testimony
Sid Roth - Dr. Michael Brown's Amazing Testimony
12-07-2021, 05:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - Cripple Healed by Words in Ancient Manuscript with Greg and Janice Mohr
Sid Roth - Cripple Healed by Words in Ancient Manuscript with Greg and Janice Mohr
22-03-2021, 06:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - The Amazing Miracle Ministry of Kathryn Kuhlman
Sid Roth - The Amazing Miracle Ministry of Kathryn Kuhlman
21-12-2021, 05:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - How to Get Healed Supernaturally with Dr. Sandra Kennedy
Sid Roth - How to Get Healed Supernaturally with Dr. Sandra Kennedy
4-12-2021, 05:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - Doctors Said I Had MS, But God Healed Me with Nasir and Anita Siddiki
Sid Roth - Doctors Said I Had MS, But God Healed Me with Nasir and Anita Siddiki
23-03-2021, 06:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - Our Baby Should Have Been a Vegetable, But God Healed Him with Ramphis and Eddalez Martinez
Sid Roth - Our Baby Should Have Been a Vegetable, But God Healed Him with Ramphis and Eddalez Martinez
15-04-2021, 05:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - God Performed Supernatural Cosmetic Surgery on My Face with Nasir Siddiki
Sid Roth - God Performed Supernatural Cosmetic Surgery on My Face with Nasir Siddiki
27-03-2021, 06:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - Secret Message in the Bible Converts Orthodox Jewish Woman with Sharon Allen
Sid Roth - Secret Message in the Bible Converts Orthodox Jewish Woman with Sharon Allen
19-04-2021, 05:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - Margy Palm Was Abducted by a Serial Killer. Then God Intervened
Sid Roth - Margy Palm Was Abducted by a Serial Killer. Then God Intervened
8-03-2021, 06:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - Does Jesus Still Heal Crippled People
Sid Roth - Does Jesus Still Heal Crippled People
26-11-2021, 05:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - She Should Be in an Institution, But God Had a Better Plan with Theresa Kapler
Sid Roth - She Should Be in an Institution, But God Had a Better Plan with Theresa Kapler
20-04-2021, 05:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - An Angel Came and Spoke These Beautiful Words
Sid Roth - An Angel Came and Spoke These Beautiful Words
5-04-2021, 06:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - My Son Drowned. Then Something Amazing Happened with Ella Brunt
Sid Roth - My Son Drowned. Then Something Amazing Happened with Ella Brunt
26-10-2021, 05:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - Amazing Healing Stories with LaDonna Osborn
Sid Roth - Amazing Healing Stories with LaDonna Osborn
3-02-2021, 05:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - Miraculous Story of Freedom from Communist Prison with David Hathaway
Sid Roth - Miraculous Story of Freedom from Communist Prison with David Hathaway
18-06-2021, 05:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - Why Am I Not Healed? Steve Hannett Has the Answer
Sid Roth - Why Am I Not Healed? Steve Hannett Has the Answer
18-03-2021, 06:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - God Spoke 9 Words to Me and I Was Instantly Healed with Rick Amato
Sid Roth - God Spoke 9 Words to Me and I Was Instantly Healed with Rick Amato
8-10-2021, 05:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - Amazing Supernatural Protection from Serial Killer with Margy Palm
Sid Roth - Amazing Supernatural Protection from Serial Killer with Margy Palm
26-09-2021, 05:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - Healing Breaks Out When She Sings with Jill Michaels
Sid Roth - Healing Breaks Out When She Sings with Jill Michaels
22-08-2021, 05:00, Sid Roth