Sid Roth - My Son Drowned. Then Something Amazing Happened with Ella Brunt

In this Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! Classic episode from 2000: Ella Brunt's six-year-old, who had irreversible brain damage, with only one percent chance of survival, was miraculously healed!
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Sid Roth - This Is Why Many People Are Not Healed with John Bevere
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Sid Roth - This Boy Drowned. What Happened Next Will Leave You in Tears
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Sid Roth - The Amazing Power of Tongues with Dave Roberson
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Sid Roth - People Are Healed When He Plays His Violin with Maurice Sklar
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Sid Roth - My Daughter Died. Then I Saw Her in Heaven with Curry Blake
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Sid Roth - The Amazing Miracle Ministry of Kathryn Kuhlman
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Sid Roth - Amazing Discovery Found in Ancient Biblical Codes! with Dr. Joel Young
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Sid Roth - An Angel Came to Our Door! What He Did Next Will Amaze You! with Phil and Vicki Church
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Sid Roth - Healing Breaks Out When She Sings with Jill Michaels
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