Sid Roth - 60% of This Baby's Brain Was Missing. Then a Miracle Happened

In this Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! Classic episode from 2000: 5/8th's of their daughter's missing brain was mysteriously recreated! 60% of This Baby's Brain Was Missing. Then a Miracle Happened
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Sid Roth - A Dead Baby Was Brought to Me. Then God Told Me to Do This
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Sid Roth - Our Baby Should Have Been a Vegetable, But God Healed Him with Ramphis and Eddalez Martinez
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Sid Roth - Caught on Video! Baby Raised from the Dead! with Charles and Frances Hunter
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Sid Roth - Miraculously Healed of Severe Brain Damage with Cindy Eddy
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Kenneth Copeland - The Gut-Brain Connection
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Sid Roth - Permanently Paralyzed Man Now Walking with David Yaniv
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Steven Furtick - Making Peace With Missing Pieces
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Steven Furtick - Finding Strength In What's Missing
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Perry Stone - How Addictions Affect the Brain - Part 1
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Perry Stone - How Addictions Affect the Brain - Part 2
Perry Stone - How Addictions Affect the Brain - Part 2
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Sid Roth - She Was Stabbed and Left for Dead in a Trash Can
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Tim Dilena - The Missing Piece to Victory
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Craig Groeschel - What Your Life is Missing
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Sid Roth - The Amazing Miracle Ministry of Kathryn Kuhlman
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