Sid Roth - Miraculous Recovery from Deadly Car Accident Astounds Doctors
In this Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! Classic episode from 2001: After a tragic car accident, Lillianne lay in a coma with no brain activity. Her father was shown supernaturally the exact day and time she would come out of the coma.
Sid Roth - Woman Wakes Up from 2 Month Coma
18-11-2021, 05:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - A Car Accident Left Her Crippled. But What Happened Next Will Blow You Away!
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Sid Roth - Jesus Told Me the Worst Words I Could Ever Hear with Steven Musick
16-06-2021, 05:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - Doctors Said I Had MS, But God Healed Me with Nasir and Anita Siddiki
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Sid Roth - Supernatural Travel Through the Invisible World with Mike Schwartz
2-11-2021, 05:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - Miraculous Story of Freedom from Communist Prison with David Hathaway
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Sid Roth - I Was Supernaturally Transported to Rio de Janeiro with Ken Peters
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Sid Roth - 60% of This Baby's Brain Was Missing. Then a Miracle Happened
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Sid Roth - God Visits Me When I Do This
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Sid Roth - An Angel Came to Me and Spoke 7 Powerful Words…
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Sid Roth - New World Order: What You Need to Know with Gary Kah
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Sid Roth - Supernatural Healing of Multiple Sclerosis with Patty Janzen
14-03-2021, 06:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - I Said God You Don't Exist! Then God Responded!
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Sid Roth - These Miraculous Stories Will Make Your Faith Explode
23-12-2021, 05:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - Marlene Was a Quadriplegic. Now Look What She Can Do
23-10-2021, 05:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - This Atheist Saw Heaven
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Sid Roth - I Supernaturally Lost Weight with NO Diet or Supplements with Lisa Bevere
25-08-2021, 05:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - Our Plane Was About to Crash! Then This Happens
29-10-2021, 05:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - These Miraculous Stories Will Boost Your Faith with Randy Clark
14-09-2021, 05:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - He Was About to Shoot a White Man. Then This Happens…
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Sid Roth - I Found My Name and Destiny Hidden in Bible Codes with Yacov Rambsel
5-12-2021, 05:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - Strange Paranormal Activity Manifested in His Home with Kris Vallotton
7-09-2021, 05:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - Has Your Healing Not Manifested? This May Be Why
30-11-2021, 05:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - Ricky Roberts Went to Hell. This Is What He Saw