David Jeremiah - A Life of Self-Discipline

David Jeremiah

Self-control, or self-discipline, is the last fruit of the Spirit Paul mentions in Galatians 5. But, in a sense, it is the key to all the others. Self-discipline is that strength that allows us to do what we know should be done, like cultivate all...

David Jeremiah - A Life of Peace

David Jeremiah

The Bible presents peace in three dimensions: peace with God, peace from God, and the peace of God. Understanding how peace comes from God to us gives us a biblical path to follow. In this message you discover what peace is and how to grow in your...

David Jeremiah - A Life of Love

David Jeremiah

It is ironic that what the world needs more than anything is something the world knows little about. And that is true love—the biblical kind of love. While modern love in the world is “me” centered, biblical love is “others” centered. We are to love...

David Jeremiah - A Life of Joy

David Jeremiah

From the world’s perspective, joy and happiness in life are correlated with possessions and prestige. From the Bible’s perspective, joy is a result of living a life submitted to the lordship of Christ and the leading of the Spirit. Joy is a gift of...

David Jeremiah - A Life of Integrity

David Jeremiah

The world is in desperate need of integrity, faithfulness, and loyalty. Those traits are so rare today that, when they are noticed, they stand out in the daily news cycle as being something surprising. In truth, integrity should be the norm that...

David Jeremiah - A Life of Humility

David Jeremiah

Pride and humility (gentleness, meekness) are at opposite ends of the self-assessment scale. Pride is focused on self while humility is focused on God and others. Humility doesn’t mean we should think less of ourselves. Rather, it means we should...

David Jeremiah - A Life of Generosity

David Jeremiah

One of the greatest mistakes anyone can make is to think they own anything. God is the creator and owner of everything. What we have has been given to accomplish His purposes, not ours. We are to be good stewards of His possessions; we are to be...

David Jeremiah - A Life of Endurance

David Jeremiah

Trainers draw a distinction between strength and endurance and how to build both. Strength is needed occasionally in life; endurance is needed every day. Whether we are opposed by spiritual persecution or just the challenges of life, we need...

David Jeremiah - A Life of Compassion

David Jeremiah

It is not enough to recognize and bemoan the abundance of needs in the world. It is only enough when we see a need that God has shown us and we act to help meet that need as best we can. Only then have we fulfilled the dual commands of Scripture to...

David Jeremiah - A Life Beyond Amazing

David Jeremiah

There is a way to experience a better life. Dr. Jeremiah uncovers God's strategy for change and challenges you to make nine important decisions that will transform your heart, your life, and your world. Though life will be glorious in heaven,...

David Jeremiah - A God-Inspired Life

David Jeremiah

Everything depends on power—homes, cities, transportation, even our human body. But we have a need for spiritual power as well. We have been given the gift of an amazing life to live, but how will it be powered? By the indwelling Holy Spirit—the...