Perry Stone - Pornography, Breaking the Spirit of Sexual Addiction

Perry Stone

Watch Manna-Fest with Perry Stone. Today's episode is entitled: Pornography, Breaking the Spirit of Sexual Addiction...

Perry Stone - Unclean Habits-Breaking the Power of Addiction

Perry Stone

Watch Manna-Fest with Perry Stone. Today's episode is entitled: Unclean Habits-Breaking the Power of Addiction...

Craig Groeschel - Escaping the Porn Trap

Craig Groeschel

If you struggle with a porn addiction, you know how much of a toll it can take on your life. This message will equip you with valuable knowledge to overcome that addiction and has the power to change your life or the life of someone you love....

Perry Stone - When Your Children Have an Addiction

Perry Stone

Watch Manna-Fest with Perry Stone. Today's episode is entitled: When Your Children Have an Addiction...

Perry Stone - The Invisible Side of an Addiction

Perry Stone

Watch Manna Fest with Perry Stone. Today's episode is entitled: The Invisible Side of an Addiction...

Perry Stone - How Addictions Affect the Brain - Part 2

Perry Stone

Watch Manna Fest with Perry Stone. Today's episode is entitled: How Addictions Affect the Brain - Part 2...

Perry Stone - How Addictions Affect the Brain - Part 1

Perry Stone

Watch Manna Fest with Perry Stone. Today's episode is entitled: How Addictions Affect the Brain - Part 1...

Sid Roth - She Was a Cocaine Addict UNTIL God Did THIS

Sid Roth

My guest as a child used to fly. Really. Not only that, when she became an adult the presence of God was so strong that literally truck drivers would veer off because they would see a cloud of God. What God shouted to Diane Nutt will give you chills!...

#529 - Joseph Prince - Break Free From Addiction And Shame - Part 3

Joseph Prince

We are blessed because after Jesus's death and resurrection, because of what Christ did, we are blessed because the Lord will not impute sin to us. And the word shall not is one of those words we call the double negative. Shall not. Usually in...

#529 - Joseph Prince - Break Free From Addiction And Shame - Part 2

Joseph Prince

You meet someone in the street and you're not a pastor and the person says, "Hey, I hear last time you were sharing about your belief in Jesus and all that, but right now my child is terribly sick. We just received news and all that. Can...

#529 - Joseph Prince - Break Free From Addiction And Shame - Part 1

Joseph Prince

When sin is removed out of your conscience, it is dethroned from your heart. When sin is removed from your conscience, it is dethroned in your heart. Isn't that amazing? Amen? So this is the key to the true holiness that so many people want for...

Joel Osteen - Approval Addiction

Joel Osteen

I want to talk today about Approval Addiction. Too many people make decisions based on what other people will think about them. They run everything through a filter: how's this going to make me look? How will my friends and coworkers perceive...