Jonathan Bernis - What Happens When You Die?

Jonathan Bernis

When life gets hard, and things like a global pandemic and random violence take away lives at a rate we've never seen before, people start to think about what comes after this life. Join Jonathan and Ezra as they discuss the very real eternal...

Jonathan Bernis - A Rabbi Looks at Life After Death

Jonathan Bernis

It's one of the most important questions you'll ever ask: What happens after we die? Jonathan and Ezra sit down to discuss the eternal nature of humankind and stories of people who have died and come back from the other side. Jonathan...

Jeff Schreve - Inheriting Heaven

Jeff Schreve

Christians have wondered, what is heaven going to be like? What do we do in heaven? Our minds just race with questions about what is in store for us. God doesn't give us all the specifics about heaven, but He tells us enough to get us excited...

Perry Stone - What About Hell and Eternity?

Perry Stone

Watch Manna-Fest with Perry Stone. Today's episode is entitled: What About Hell and Eternity?...

Jack Hibbs - How Do I Get To Heaven?

Jack Hibbs

What’s required to get to heaven? You may have your thoughts or opinions, but the Bible gives God’s answer to the question. Join Pastor Jack Hibbs as he explains the necessity of belief, repentance, and the role of the Holy Spirit in our salvation....

Jack Hibbs - Evidence For Heaven

Jack Hibbs

Skeptics continue to debate whether Heaven is real, yet there is undeniable evidence for its existence. In this program, Pastor Jack Hibbs examines the witnesses that God has given us as proof for the reality of God’s eternal dwelling place....

Jack Hibbs - Can I Have the Assurance of Heaven?

Jack Hibbs

Is it possible to know with complete certainty you are going to heaven? According to the Bible – YES! On this week’s program, Pastor Jack Hibbs examines what scripture has to say about our assurance and how to be confident in Christ and His promises....

Jack Hibbs - Heaven: Will You Be Going There?

Jack Hibbs

Take a look around. It’s very evident that in creation there is intentional design. This natural witness is evidence of the Creator – your creator – who dwells in heaven and invites you to join Him there. The question is: will you accept His...

Sid Roth - I Died. What God Showed Me in Heaven Will Shock You

Sid Roth

My guest died on the operating table. She experienced excruciating pain constantly for 14 years, so when God offered her a choice, she did not want to return. Then she saw what would happen if she did not come back. I believe you are the main reason...

Sid Roth - I Died and Stood At Hell's Entrance. What Crawled Out Horrified Me

Sid Roth

Jim Woodford died and found himself standing at the mouth of hell. Jim Woodford was brain dead for 11 awesome hours. He was rescued from Hell, then shown the book of his life. Then Jesus sent him back. Jim’s journey through a tunnel of light brought...