Have you ever considered that if God were able to create the universe, surely he'd have no trouble giving us accurate pictures of world events long before they happened. Though most people believe that Biblical prophecies about the final days...
Reading the book of Daniel up to this point has been like reading a mystery novel, wondering how it will end. The first part of the 12th chapter tells us about the prophecies of the end, and the last part of the chapter tells us about the end of the...
Chapter 10 of Daniel details the preparation of the vision that will be presented in chapter 11. In this vision, God shows Daniel the cataclysmic events that are to come, brought on by cruel leaders. However, there is no warrior more powerful than...
This message details the vision Daniel received--nearly 350 years before he was born--of Antiochus, the madman who would eventually defeat the saints, defile the temple, and destroy the Scriptures. Covers Daniel 8:9-14, 23-27....
Daniel's second vision involves a conqueror - specifically, Alexander the Great. In this message, Dr. Jeremiah discusses the reception, revelation, and resolution of this vision. Covers Daniel 8:1-8, 15-22....
In this message, we learn about when Daniel was sentenced to the lion's den for defying an edict that no one serve any other god or man. Because Daniel stood for his faith, he was protected by God from the law and the lions. Covers Daniel...
The feast of Belshazzar was an extravagant celebration that filled with sensuality, sacrilege, and stupidity. However, the celebration was abruptly cut short when the fingers of God informed them of coming disaster. Covers Daniel 5:1-31....
In Daniel chapter 4, we hear the testimony of Nebuchadnezzar. Because of his corruption, King Nebuchadnezzar was stricken with lycanthropy, a mental disease that made him behave like an animal. Covers Daniel 4:1-37....
In this message, we will learn about three brave men who defied the king in order to be loyal to their own God. Because of their dedication, they faced death but were delivered by the Lord in a miraculous way. Covers Daniel 3:1-30....
In this message, Dr. Jeremiah discusses the vision of the Colossus that is revealed in Daniel chapter 2, as well as the interpretation and appreciation. The message concludes with helpful points on how we can apply this lesson to our lives today....
Secular history tells us that Nebuchadnezzar was a brutal, tyrannical king. However, at one point, he found himself suffering from insomnia as he was plagued by dreams that predicted the future. Learn more about why God chose to reveal these dreams...