Joel Osteen - Approval Addiction

Joel Osteen

I want to talk today about Approval Addiction. Too many people make decisions based on what other people will think about them. They run everything through a filter: how's this going to make me look? How will my friends and coworkers perceive...

Craig Groeschel - My Longing For Approval

Craig Groeschel

Do you have a deep need for approval? In Week 4 of Altar Ego with Pastor Craig Groeschel, learn how to lay down your longing for approval by focusing on pleasing God and living from His approval....

Craig Groeschel - Chasing Approval

Craig Groeschel

Seeking approval from others almost always lets us down. It’s easy to obsess over what people think, be sensitive to criticism, and have a hard time saying “no.” Join Pastors Craig Groeschel and Chris Beall for a powerful discussion on how to focus...