Kenneth Copeland - Develop an Attitude of Gratitude

Kenneth Copeland

Give thanks to God in everything! Join Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they help you develop an attitude of gratitude. Learn to live every day filled with overwhelming thanksgiving!...

Joyce Meyer - Having a Patient Attitude - Part 2

Joyce Meyer

Are you having a hard time getting stirred up and excited about your life? On this episode of Enjoying Everyday Life, Joyce Meyer shares what to do when you're feeling frustrated and unfulfilled....

Joyce Meyer - Having a Patient Attitude - Part 1

Joyce Meyer

It's easy to get impatient with yourself and others, or even with the little things in life. Learn how to be more patient in the moment each day....

Andy Stanley - Give Thanks: An Attitude of Gratitude

Andy Stanley

Being grateful for someone is an emotion we can all relate to. But gratitude is not just an attitude, it's something that needs to be expressed....

Joyce Meyer - Dealing With Attitudes: Need an Attitude Adjustment

Joyce Meyer

Whether it’s being cut off in traffic, dealing with a negative coworker, or getting an order messed up, we all have triggers that can bring out the worst in us in a flash. Today Ginger, Jai and Erin chat about a few of theirs and talk through how...

Rick Renner - The Need To Have The Attitude of Jesus Christ

Rick Renner

Do you need an attitude adjustment? That is what you’ll get when you tap into the supernatural supply of the Holy Spirit. Don’t miss today’s program with Rick Renner....

Rick Renner - The Attitude of Jesus Christ

Rick Renner

It was likely that Paul, while in a Roman prison, was at such a point that he had to choose to keep on living. But then he received a new supply of the Spirit and kept on living and ministering! When you receive a new supply of the Spirit, it...

Robert Jeffress - Choosing Intimacy With God Over Isolation

Robert Jeffress

Today as we conclude our series on attitudes, we are going to examine the attitude choice that has the longest impact on our lives. Choosing to experience intimacy with God over isolation from God is a decision that profoundly affects our lives now...

Robert Jeffress - Choosing Companionship Over Loneliness

Robert Jeffress

One of the foundational decisions we make in life is whether to live our lives alone or in the company of others. Today we are going to discover why it is always best to choose companionship with other people over a lonely, solitary life....

Robert Jeffress - Choosing Humility Over Pride

Robert Jeffress

Many Christians believe that humility is a character quality that is “nice” if you can pull it off, but not absolutely necessary. But, as we will see today, God places a premium on humility and has promised to judge the sin of pride with a vengeance....

Robert Jeffress - Choosing Purpose Over Aimlessness

Robert Jeffress

One study has revealed that only three percent of Americans have clearly defined goals for their lives. Yet the Bible repeatedly admonishes us to live our lives with a clear purpose. A life purpose is like a beacon that provides direction for every...

Robert Jeffress - Choosing Productivity Over Laziness

Robert Jeffress

The words “productivity” and “laziness” are more than actions, they represent basic attitude choices toward the time, money, gifts, and opportunities God has given us. Today we are going to discover both the immediate and eternal benefits of...