Steven Furtick - The Best Way to Fight Your Battles

Steven Furtick

When you can't, God can. Pastor Steven Furtick reminds us that we have to fight for our focus to see the victory. This is an excerpt from "When The Battle Chooses You."...

Steven Furtick - A Battle Strategy For Your Mind

Steven Furtick

When there's a war going on for your attention, don't lose sight of the One who holds the victory. This is an excerpt from "Cover The Spread."...

Tim Dilena - Fight Through Battles and Fight After Victories

Tim Dilena

In "Fight Through Battles and Fight After Victories," Pastor Tim Dilena highlights the need to surrender every part of one's heart to God, especially after achieving victories, to avoid succumbing to idolatry and maintain a truly...

Jeff Schreve - The Battle Within

Jeff Schreve

Every Christian can identify with the Apostle Paul when it comes to wanting to do good things, but continually failing. It’s a battle within we all experience. Dying to our own selfish desires is also a daily battle we should faithfully fight. In...

Louie Giglio - Winning the Battle of the Mind

Louie Giglio

I’m going to win the battle of my mind because I have the power of the finished work of Jesus. I’m standing on victory and I’m going to move from that victory. We can all relate to the feeling of having to contend for our thoughts, that's why...

Kenneth Copeland - The Love Covenant Will Fight For You

Kenneth Copeland

Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he explains why the battles you face do not belong to you. You have a promise of protection from El Shaddai. He will take down your enemies for you—but you have to believe by faith that the...

Max Lucado - It's a Battle, Not a Picnic

Max Lucado

Watch sermon It's a Battle, Not a Picnic, preached by Max Lucado, Pastor of Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, Texas. #Daily Triumph...

Kenneth Copeland - Speaking the Covenant Is a Weapon

Kenneth Copeland

Speaking the covenant is a weapon! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he shares intriguing and powerful insights from the account of David’s defeat of Goliath. Learn how David used the speech part of his covenant as his first...