TD Jakes - Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs

TD Jakes

At the Last Supper, when Jesus broke the bread and blessed the cup, His disciples were thinking about Passover and the emancipation God provided. It was only after Christ paid the ultimate price for our freedom that they understood the full...

Charles Stanley - Does It Matter What You Believe?

Charles Stanley

Dr. Charles Stanley explains that what we believe determines our attitude toward ourselves, others, our job, and our finances. Know what you believe and why you believe it so you can stand against false teaching....

Creflo Dollar - Is Your Belief System Offline? - Part 4

Creflo Dollar

Some of the most frustrated people I meet in the world are ones who go to church. Why are they not at rest? Why are they still feeling inferior? Why do they still feel like they're not accepted? Why do they still feel like they're going to...

Creflo Dollar - Is Your Belief System Offline? - Part 3

Creflo Dollar

You've got to come to the end of yourself where you recognize "I can't do this no matter how hard I sweat to do it. I need a Savior. I need an advocate. I need a peace offering. I need Jesus". And the world has done everything...

Creflo Dollar - Is Your Belief System Offline? - Part 2

Creflo Dollar

If God is working on the inside of you, which he is, if God is accepting the responsibility of transforming you until you are in the image of Jesus Christ, how are we putting 15 more prostitutes in there, more weed in there, and more hatefulness in...

Creflo Dollar - Is Your Belief System Offline? - Part 1

Creflo Dollar

He's asking you to believe it. How hard is that? "Oh, this grace message is difficult". No, he says believe it. Get your belief system online. Believe it. If you have questions, just stay and believe, and they will be answered....