At the Last Supper, when Jesus broke the bread and blessed the cup, His disciples were thinking about Passover and the emancipation God provided. It was only after Christ paid the ultimate price for our freedom that they understood the full implications.
Robert Morris - Passover
20-11-2021, 00:00, Robert Morris
Jonathan Bernis - Was the Last Supper a Passover Seder?
17-01-2025, 17:30, Jonathan Bernis
Jonathan Bernis - Passover Program
22-02-2022, 00:00, Jonathan Bernis
Rick Renner - Paying the Demanded Price
22-01-2025, 22:30, Rick Renner
Kenneth Copeland - Jesus Paid For The Blessing
26-04-2021, 02:00, Kenneth Copeland
Sid Roth - Passover Gift to You
25-07-2021, 05:00, Sid Roth
Jonathan Bernis - The Observance of Passover
22-02-2022, 00:20, Jonathan Bernis
Joel Osteen - Release The Full You
8-11-2020, 16:00, Joel Osteen
Kenneth Copeland - Jesus Paid the Price for Your Healing
10-12-2022, 00:00, Kenneth Copeland
TD Jakes - Blind to the Bread
1-03-2023, 06:00, TD Jakes
Jack Hibbs - God Gives Freedom
12-01-2025, 18:00, Jack Hibbs
Jack Hibbs - The Promised Passover
31-12-2022, 12:00, Jack Hibbs
Bill Johnson - Breaking the Bread of My Soul
1-12-2022, 03:00, Bill Johnson
Carter Conlon - Paying the Price of Freedom
13-07-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Steven Furtick - No More Nails
1-12-2021, 13:00, Steven Furtick
TD Jakes - We Are All In The Same Boat
9-11-2021, 15:00, TD Jakes
Joyce Meyer - James - Part 2
11-12-2020, 03:53, Joyce Meyer
Rick Renner - Paid in Full
1-09-2022, 18:00, Rick Renner
TD Jakes - Save The Scraps
3-08-2021, 15:00, TD Jakes
TD Jakes - Breaking out of Spiritual Atrophy
11-06-2022, 16:00, TD Jakes
TD Jakes - Bread of Heaven
30-06-2021, 15:00, TD Jakes
#077 Joseph Prince - Discerning The Lord's Body For Greater Health