Touré Roberts - The Beauty of Brokenness

Touré Roberts

Message : The Beauty of Brokenness Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church Today, I want to talk about the beauty of brokenness. The beauty of brokenness. Let’s pray. Father, thank you so much for your Word; it is food for us, it edifies us....

Rick Warren - In Our Brokenness, There Is Hope

Rick Warren

This message is Part 1 of “Making The Changes In Me” in the series The Invisible War. Nothing on Earth is perfect, including us. The fact is that we will never be sinless on earth, but it is possible to sin less. In this study Pastor Rick teaches...

Steven Furtick - God Won't Leave You Broken

Steven Furtick

In “God Won't Leave You Broken,” Pastor Steven Furtick teaches us how to hold onto God's truth, reject false beliefs, and embrace the identity God has for us. This is an excerpt from "Permission To Quit"...

Joyce Meyer - If It Is Broke, God Can Fix It

Joyce Meyer

Get ready to laugh, smile and expect good things! On today's episode, Joyce Meyer shares life-changing scriptures that will refresh your soul. God is an expert at restoration. He can take what's missing or damaged in our lives and restore...

Steven Furtick - Fixing What's Really Broken

Steven Furtick

It’s deeper than you think. In “Fixing What’s Really Broken,” we’re reminded that significant things are rarely surface level. This is an excerpt from "Deeper Than You Think.”...

Rick Warren - When Your World Collapses, Shock

Rick Warren

Tragedy often arrives when we least expect it. Whether it’s an untimely death in the family, job loss, or natural disaster, shock is the first wave of grief that overwhelms you—sometimes for days. Learn from Pastor Rick’s personal experience about...

Charles Stanley - The Downward Path to a Broken Life

Charles Stanley

Dissatisfied, disillusioned, despairing. Such was the state of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15. How did he go from his father’s house to the pigs’ pen? That descent into misery is an all too familiar journey for many of us. However, there is a path that...

Charles Stanley - God's Pathway of Brokenness

Charles Stanley

Grapes are crushed to make wine. Wheat is ground to make bread. In “Pathway of Brokenness,” Dr. Stanley teaches us that, in the same way, God will break our self-will in order to make us useful vessels for His kingdom. Discover how God molds His...

Sid Roth - From Broke to Millionaire with Gary Keesee

Sid Roth

On this episode of Sid Roth's It's Supernatural, Gary Keesee was so hopelessly in debt he was afraid to leave his house. Then God downloaded to him the mysteries of money. Today Gary's a millionaire and he's taught thousands what...

Creflo Dollar - When God Doesn't Restore a Broken Relationship - Part 2

Creflo Dollar

You can't get mad at God when something bad happens. You know, if something good happens, great. But if something bad happens, it still gotta be great. Until you can get to that point, you're always gonna be a candidate to be broken and...

Creflo Dollar - When God Doesn't Restore a Broken Relationship - Part 1

Creflo Dollar

You're going to win it or lose it in the mind. The mind is the arena of faith. "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he". So you got to make yourself, force yourself, "I'm going to get my mind and I'm going to keep my...

Creflo Dollar - Recovering From Heartbreak - Part 2

Creflo Dollar

We are his children. We are born again to the newness of life. We are endowed with every spiritual blessings. We have been accepted in Jesus Christ. We have faith that overcomes the world. We are defined by our relationship with God, not by our past...