Charles Stanley - The Downward Path to a Broken Life

Dissatisfied, disillusioned, despairing. Such was the state of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15. How did he go from his father’s house to the pigs’ pen? That descent into misery is an all too familiar journey for many of us. However, there is a path that leads out of it.

So many people today are profoundly unhappy. They come from all walks of life and socioeconomic levels but have one thing in common—they feel stuck in their misery and don’t know how to get out of it. Oftentimes, they’re angry or feel broken, empty, or worthless. It seems like nobody cares for them, and just getting through life is a difficult day-to-day struggle. Some of them don’t understand why they feel this way, while others know that their choices have contributed to their condition. Whatever the cause and no matter how deep the despair, the Scripture offers hope and a way out for anyone trapped in misery.

Jesus used the story of the prodigal son to show us the downward path into a broken life as well as the road to recovery (Luke 15:11-24). Although we may not find ourselves in the son’s exact situation, we can all identify with his choices and responses.
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