Charles Stanley - The Condition of the Heart

How did I get here? Wallowing in a pigsty with nothing to eat and no one to turn to, the Prodigal Son must've asked himself this question a thousand times. In this message, Dr. Stanley traces the sad, downward spiral that sin leads us on when we believe Satan's lies and ignore God's Word. But no matter how dark sin may make our lives, God is willing and able to forgive, just like the father in the parable. Learn how simple repentance restores right relationship.

The condition of your heart determines the direction of your life. This is a very important issue because there are really only two directions in life, and they go in opposite ways and lead to opposing destinies. You can either walk toward the Lord Jesus Christ into eternal life or away from Him into eternal death. And the determining factor is the state of your spirit.
Charles Stanley - The Downward Path to a Broken Life
Charles Stanley - The Downward Path to a Broken Life
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Charles Stanley - The Forgiving Father
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Charles Stanley - God's Condition for His Full Blessing
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Charles Stanley - Eternal Life, Do You Want It
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Charles Stanley - Your Convictions About Eternal Security
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Charles Stanley - When God Says Wait
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Charles Stanley - Absent From The Party
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Charles Stanley - Experiencing Inner Peace
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Charles Stanley - The Two Paths of Life
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Charles Stanley - The Enemy, A Close Look
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Charles Stanley - Is Something Missing in Your Life?
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Charles Stanley - Listening To God
Charles Stanley - Listening To God
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Charles Stanley - Salvation
Charles Stanley - Salvation
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Charles Stanley - A Call to Repentance
Charles Stanley - A Call to Repentance
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Charles Stanley - The Triumphant Message of the Resurrection
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Charles Stanley - Living a Life That Counts
Charles Stanley - Living a Life That Counts
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Charles Stanley - Our God of Promise
Charles Stanley - Our God of Promise
1-05-2021, 14:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - Before You Step Out of the Will of God
Charles Stanley - Before You Step Out of the Will of God
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Charles Stanley - When We Are Fearful
Charles Stanley - When We Are Fearful
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Charles Stanley - Encouraging Ourselves
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Charles Stanley - Our Life After Death: Leaving A Godly Legacy
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22-05-2022, 11:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - The Good Shepherd
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