Robert Jeffress - A Parent's Greatest Legacy

Robert Jeffress

Today, as we conclude our study of the life of Joseph, we will discover the two greatest gifts any parent can leave his or her child....

Robert Jeffress - A Leader Worth Following

Robert Jeffress

Each one of us is trying to influence someone else — which makes us a "leader." At the same time, each of us is following some kind of leader whether it is in the workplace, the church, or the family. What makes someone an effective leader...

Robert Jeffress - Avoiding The Elvis Syndrome

Robert Jeffress

While the basis of our salvation is God’s grace alone, the evidence of our salvation is our obedience to God. The story of how Joseph’s brothers and father reacted to Joseph’s forgiveness illustrates two ways God’s grace can change our lives....

Robert Jeffress - Your SECOND Most Important Decision

Robert Jeffress

Today, we have come to the climax of Joseph’s life story, the revelation of his identity to his brothers. But, embedded in this story we find keys to making life’s two most important decisions: the decision to receive forgiveness and the choice to...

Robert Jeffress - Invitation to the Banquet of Grace

Robert Jeffress

What is it that is preventing you from approaching God to receive all the gifts He wants to lavish upon you? Pride? Fear? In today’s account of the second trip Joseph’s brothers made to Egypt, we will see a marvelous picture of God’s grace available...

Robert Jeffress - The Priceless Value Of A Clear Conscience

Robert Jeffress

The apostle Paul told Timothy that the two necessities for the Christian life are "Faith and a good conscience, which some have rejected and suffered shipwreck in regard to their faith" (1 Timothy 1:19). As the dramatic life of Joseph...

Robert Jeffress - When Your Deliverance Comes

Robert Jeffress

It is impossible to judge where our life is going by one, single traumatic event. But, there usually comes a day when we are able to look back and say, "Now I understand." Today, we are going to look at that day that changed Joseph’s life...

Robert Jeffress - Forsaken and Forgotten... But Not Forever

Robert Jeffress

Someone has said, "Nothing comes into the life of a child of God that has not first been filtered through the loving and perfect will of God." Today, we will see that encouraging truth illustrated in the life of Joseph....

Robert Jeffress - When Sin Comes Knocking

Robert Jeffress

When we last saw Joseph, he had been betrayed by his brothers and sold to slave-owners who took him to Egypt. Today we are going to discover how God rewarded Joseph’s faithfulness and, at the same time, tested his faith, just as God does with all of...

Robert Jeffress - But God...

Robert Jeffress

In this message we’re going to study the life of one man who ultimately — not immediately, but ultimately — chose significance over success. Because of that choice, he experienced God’s unending blessings in his life. That man’s name was Joseph....