Robert Jeffress - Leaving a Legacy that Lasts

Robert Jeffress

Last time we began looking at Elijah’s seventh secret for living an extraordinary life: “Live With The End In View.” Significant people understand that the best use of life is to spend it on something that will outlast it. Leaving a legacy that...

Robert Jeffress - Living With the End in Mind

Robert Jeffress

Those who want to live significant lives keep one eye on the clock and the other on the calculator so they can determine how to make the most impact during their limited time on earth. Today we are going to begin looking at Elijah’s seventh secret...

Robert Jeffress - When Bad Days Come

Robert Jeffress

Last time we began looking at Elijah’s sixth secret for living a successful and significant life: learning how to handle bad days. Bad days or bad seasons of life are inevitable, but they don’t have to be paralyzing. Today we are going to discover,...

Robert Jeffress - Learn How to Handle Bad Days

Robert Jeffress

Bad days... we all have them! While bad days, or bad seasons of life are inevitable, they don’t have to paralyze us. People who want to experience successful and significant lives learn how to manage times of disappointment and discouragement, just...

Robert Jeffress - Practicing Powerful Praying

Robert Jeffress

Last time we began looking at Elijah’s fifth secret for living a successful and significant life; unleashing the powerful prayer....

Robert Jeffress - Practice the Principles of Powerful Praying

Robert Jeffress

Successful and significant people learn how to unleash the supernatural power of prayer in their lives. According to James 5:16-18, Elijah is Exhibit “A” of effective and powerful praying....

Robert Jeffress - Jesus' 4 Tips for Burning Your Ships

Robert Jeffress

Last time we began looking at Elijah’s fourth secret for living a significant and successful life: learning to “burn the ships” by making the decision to follow God regardless of the consequences....

Robert Jeffress - Deciding to Burn the Ships

Robert Jeffress

Every successful and significant person has an “all-in” moment when they totally commit themselves to his or her life purpose. The prophet Elijah had that experience, and challenges every would-be follower of Jehovah to do the same....

Robert Jeffress - Waiting Time Isn't Wasted Time

Robert Jeffress

Last time we began looking at God’s third “secret” for a significant life: “Waiting on God’s Timing.” There's 3 Benefits of Waiting: Waiting reminds us of our need for God. Waiting allows us to recharge our physical, emotional, and spiritual...

Robert Jeffress - Waiting on God's Timing

Robert Jeffress

As we continue our study on the life of Elijah, we are going to discover the third “secret” for living a successful and significant life: Waiting on God’s timing. Elijah’s life demonstrates that waiting time does not have to be wasted time....

Robert Jeffress - Convictions That Will Change Your World

Robert Jeffress

Elijah’s second “secret” for living an extraordinary life is “determining to influence your culture.” Elijah understood that God never intended His followers to isolate themselves from a corrupt world, but to influence the world. Today we are going...

Robert Jeffress - Determine to Influence Your Culture

Robert Jeffress

Today we are going to discover the second secret Elijah illustrates for living an extraordinary life: influencing your culture. History shows that those who want to experience a significant life strive to influence the world, rather than isolate...