Benny Hinn - The Importance of Regular Communion

Benny Hinn

Watch Benny Hinn as he teach on: The Importance of Regular Communion...

#561 - Joseph Prince - The Healing Power Of The Holy Communion - Part 4

Joseph Prince

We take the bread. You say, "By his stripes I am healed. I judge myself healed. That's partaking worthily. I drink the cup. I judge myself forgiven and righteous by his blood", amen?...

#561 - Joseph Prince - The Healing Power Of The Holy Communion - Part 3

Joseph Prince

The gospel of the grace of God from history, even from history, wherever it has gone, it has brought civilization. Women are respected and honored. Education has been the stronghold of Christians in every country where the gospel has gone to....

#561 - Joseph Prince - The Healing Power Of The Holy Communion - Part 2

Joseph Prince

One of the most beautiful books in the world is the gospel of Luke. And that's a statement not from me; a statement from a expert in... and he's not even a Christian when he said that. He read the gospel of Luke, one of the...

#561 - Joseph Prince - The Healing Power Of The Holy Communion - Part 1

Joseph Prince

God didn't send an angel to carry our sins and to bear our diseases. God sent his Son himself to carry, praise the Lord....

#561 - Joseph Prince - The Healing Power Of The Holy Communion - Highlights

Joseph Prince

The Lord's body was broken so that judgment will not be part of your life. Judgment is over and gone. I know the purpose of the Lord's Supper. I know his body was broken for my sins and for my diseases, amen. I partake, receiving his...

#547 - Joseph Prince - A Fresh Revelation Of The Communion Brings Healing - Highlights

Joseph Prince

Remember before Elijah said, "I hear the sound of the abundance of rain," what happened? The fire fell on the offering up there on Carmel. If there is no offering being offered, if there is no fire falling, it's a picture of Jesus...

Rick Renner - A Comparison of Communion by Gospel

Rick Renner

Join Rick Renner for a gospel-by-gospel comparison of the Communion accounts to see what you can learn about Communion and what it means for you....

Rick Renner - What Is Partaking Unworthily?

Rick Renner

What does it mean to partake of Communion “unworthily”? How can you avoid this? That is what Rick Renner will show you in today’s program....

Rick Renner - The Significance of Communion

Rick Renner

What is the significance of covenant in the context of communion? Today Rick Renner will open this important subject to you....

Rick Renner - Bible Accounts of Communion

Rick Renner

Join Rick Renner today for a gospel-by-gospel comparison of the various Communion accounts to learn what Communion means for you....

Craig Groeschel - Breaks Bread

Craig Groeschel

Love like Jesus and share your life with others. Pastor Craig Groeschel describes what breaking bread means in the life of a believer....