Charles Stanley - The Confession of Our Sin

Charles Stanley

We need to consider whether or not we really understand what it means to genuinely confess our sins. Dr. Stanley shows you how there is much more to confession than simply telling God what you've done. He also instructs you on how to be sure...

Kenneth Copeland - Speak The WORD and Put Faith Into Motion

Kenneth Copeland

Say it and believe it! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland helps you speak The WORD and put faith into motion. Learn how saying and believing go hand in hand and determine to let your words agree with God’s WORD!...

Kenneth Copeland - How To Speak Healing Words

Kenneth Copeland

Speak words of FAITH! Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he shows you how to speak healing words. Become mindful of your first words so your faith can make you whole!...

Kenneth Copeland - Declare God's Healing WORD

Kenneth Copeland

Every day is YOUR receiving day! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he encourages you to declare God’s healing WORD. Confess your sins and pray for forgiveness so you can receive your healing by faith!...

Kenneth Copeland - Speak God's WORD by Faith

Kenneth Copeland

Have faith in God! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland warns against allowing your words to condemn you. Learn to only speak God’s miracle-working WORD by faith to receive THE BLESSING!...

Jack Hibbs - What If I Sin?

Jack Hibbs

When is the last time you have been to confession? As a Christian, you need to be thinking about it this way. To walk in a state of revival, is to walk ever before the Lord......

Tim Dilena - The Confessions of A Confused Man

Tim Dilena

Tim Dilena, pastor of Times Square Church preach on topic: The Confessions of A Confused Man...

#347 - Joseph Prince - Confession of Sins, Is It For The Believer - Part 3

Joseph Prince

Your sins are forgiven once and for all. It needs no repetition. The more you know God's goodness, the goodness of God leads you to repentance, the goodness of God leads you to changing your mind. But God's forgiveness is on you before you...

#347 - Joseph Prince - Confession of Sins, Is It For The Believer - Part 2

Joseph Prince

The law was given by Moses, a servant. Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ, the Son, okay? Know the difference....

#347 - Joseph Prince - Confession of Sins, Is It For The Believer - Part 1

Joseph Prince

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life". Those who believe in Jesus Christ, they have eternal life, amen. Everlasting life. "Aionios"...

#228 Joseph Prince - Speak God's Language Of Faith (FULL)

Joseph Prince

Ever wondered what the language of faith sounds like? Join Joseph Prince in this exciting exposition of what God’s language of faith is. Learn how, like God, you can speak good things into existence and see the miracles you are believing for...

#226 Joseph Prince - Speak Out What You Believe In Christ (FULL)

Joseph Prince

Want to see a change for the better in your circumstances? Then join Joseph Prince in this practical and enlightening message as he reveals the key to bringing in God's intervention and blessings into your situation. Learn how speaking what you...